what is the best Editor for SQL Server

  • Good Morning All,

    what is the best Editor for SQL Server that help us in writing and developing stroed procedure and views ..

    I know that EM is good but are there any other tool ?

    thanks for anyone who reply

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Query Analyzer (one of the SQL Server client tools) is the standard development environment for views, stored procs etc.

    Not so sure that many guys in this forum think that EM is that good ... it has its uses, but not as a dev environment.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Personally, I have used Textpad for years.  It has syntax files that you can download to verify the commands that you are entering.  It can be found at http://www.textpad.com.  I use it for editting mulitple programming languages.  Also, it has a nice find and comparison tool, and a built in macro feature.  Hope this helps.

  • I download many Tools that may help me in writing and developing stroed procedure and views ..

    the best tool I found is "msSQLed" .. it is very good

    I hope it help everybody

    Alamir Mohamed

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