what is the best way to search between tow date fd

  • what is the best way to search between tow

    date fields ?????????

    and help to check my code


    WHERE (dbo.mainb.meosar = 1) AND (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00')) AND

    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00')) AND

    (dbo.mainb.tarihb <= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 30, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 23:59:00')) OR

    (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00')) AND

    (dbo.mainb.tarihb >= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 30, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 23:59:00')) OR

    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00')) AND

    (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00'))


    thnks a lot


  • In English, not SQL, what are you trying to accomplish here? Have you taken a look at DATEADD(hour, DateField)? To strip the time portion of a datetime field, use DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, DateField)) since it requires no lookup to syslanguages to find the localization string for CONVERT(varchar, DateField, 112). Also, use the BETWEEN clause. Demonstrated techniques below...:

    --...statements here...
    dbo.mainb.tarihb BETWEEN
    DATEADD(hour, 1, DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE())))
    DATEADD(hour, -1, DATEADD(day, 31, DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()))))
    --...convert the rest like above...
  • i need help

    to search between tow date

    start date = dbo.mainb.tarih

    end date = dbo.mainb.tarih


    and the

    start date must to be

    GETDATE()+ ' 16:00:00'

    and end date

    DATEADD([day], 1, GETDATE() ' 16:00:00'




  • Look at the code I posted; it explains how to add (or subtract) hours from GETDATE()...using DATEADD(hour, n, GETDATE())

  • but like your explains i can not

    search evry day

    between Getdate() '16:00' and Getdate()+1 '16:00'

    and in tow different field

    thnks ilan

  • your original WHERE clause doesn't make sense for dbo.mainb.tarih...you are saying give me all records that have tarih greater than or equal to today at 1am and tarih is less than or equal to today at 1am. Which basically boils down to: you are only going to retrieve records where tarih = today at 1am.

  • and what not O.K like this ? after i fix it

    i work

    or i am mistake ?


    WHERE (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND

    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND (dbo.mainb.tarihb <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day],

    1, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') OR

    (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND (dbo.mainb.tarihb >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day],

    1, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') OR

    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day],

    0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')



  • 1) ok, this:

    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')

    doesn't make sense. It can be shortened to:

    OR dbo.mainb.tarih = DATEADD(hour, 16, DATEADD(day, 0, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE())))

    since you are checking greater than or equal to and less than or equal to the exact same date.

    To test whether a tarih is between 2 different dates:

    -- Tests whether tarih between today @ 1am and tomorrow at 4pm
    tarih BETWEEN DATEADD(hour, 1, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE())) AND DATEADD(hour, 16, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE() + 1)))
  • ok

    i only wont to know

    you think in the long way (my code) am i missed any record ??

    OR you say thet correct way to do it

    and in the end i get the same result ??



  • no, your method of using CONVERT(VARCHAR...) is not incorrect, only inefficient. However your where condition:

    WHERE (dbo.mainb.meosar = 1)
    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00'))
    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00'))
    (dbo.mainb.tarihb <= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 30, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 23:59:00'))
    (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00'))
    (dbo.mainb.tarihb >= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 30, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 23:59:00'))
    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00'))
    (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(datetime, CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 00:01:00'))

    makes no sense in its current format. you either have to add some parentheses to separate out the OR and AND blocks so that you execute the WHERE conditions in the correct order. Like I said originally, if you tell me what you are trying to do, in English, I can help better. For instance, "I am trying to get all records that my date field, tarih, falls between today @ 1m and tomorrow @ 4pm, or any records where tarih is before this date and tarihb is after this date, and so on...

  • i mean this


    WHERE (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND

    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND (dbo.mainb.tarihb <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day],

    1, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') OR

    (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND (dbo.mainb.tarihb >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day],

    1, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') OR

    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00') AND (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day],

    0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')


  • Then you need more parentheses. I think this is what you are looking for:

    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')
    (dbo.mainb.tarihb <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 1, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')
    (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')
    (dbo.mainb.tarihb >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 1, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')
    (dbo.mainb.tarih >= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')
    (dbo.mainb.tarih <= CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD([day], 0, GETDATE()), 112) + ' 16:00:00')

    although, to be honest, it makes no sense, since that statements all somewhat contradict each other and the last OR expression, like I stated above, simply equates to an equality expression, not a BETWEEN statement. I'm really confused what you're trying to accomplish. Sorry.

    Edited by - jpipes on 07/14/2003 2:54:57 PM

  • ok but how can i do this ??


    tarih BETWEEN DATEADD(hour, 1, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()))


    tarihb DATEADD(hour, 16, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE() + 1)))



    tarih BETWEEN DATEADD(hour, 1, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()))
    DATEADD(hour, 16, DATEDIFF(day, 0, tarihb)))

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