What is this forum software

  • Hi,

    Just wondering who makes this .Net forum software and where it can be found?

    I've been using phpBB for a while as there was nothing comparable in the ASP world, but now this software seems up to the feature set.

    Thanks for any info.




  • Hi,

    I think it's Snitz. 



    "I didn't do anything it just got complicated" - M Edwards

  • Hi Ritch,

    Thanks for the reply. I checked out Snitz and it just didn't look right. So I fired off an email to the webmaster.

    bknight at sqlservercentral dot com wrote:
    We use this: http://www.instantasp.co.uk/. We've been real happy with it and actually converted from Snitz to this.

    Hope that helps anyone else looking.


  • I hope it's open source, because there are several things that need fixed. In my 5 or 6 posts here, i've had a couple just clear and disappear when I take to long to post. That's not good at all.

  • Cool thanks.  Interesting to see asp.net forum software. 


  • It's not open source, but its not expensive either. Any bugs you see are most likely caused by changes we made - for example, usually if you lose a post its because the session timed out. We know about it, just havent had time to correct it. We're pleased with how its turned out, much easier to maintain than Snitz.

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