what is using up my database space?

  • I have a database that has 40GB of used space (this is the size of my backup). All tables are practically empty. All service broker queues are empty. I don’t understand what is using the space up. I’ve re-indexed everything. Weird. Anyone know what I’m missing here. My guess is that its some Service Broker internals… How do I clear this space down?

    database_name database_size unallocated space

    ParisTD 250000.00 MB 159283.55 MB

    reserved data index_size unused

    ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------

    41693648 KB 41367960 KB 288176 KB 37512 KB



  • Not sure if this will help but try running this query... It will show you pages allocated for some system objects as well. Also sum up the MBs_Used column there and see if it equals the figure that you're reporting back as used space due to your backup size.

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME([object_id])

    , (SUM(reserved_page_count) * 8) /1024 as MBs_Used

    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats

    GROUP BY [object_id] ORDER BY 2 DESC

    Good Luck


  • Nice one - thanks. My suspicions were correct - Service Broker:

    (No column name) MBs_Used

    sysdesend 19140

    sysdercv 14279

    sysconvgroup 7216

    queue_messages_88387384 18

    Looks like something to do with SENDs and RECEIVEs.



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