What need to pay attention when move SQL Server reporting servcie to another domain?

  • We are planning to move the reporting servcie to a new domain, what do we need to pay attention?

    I am a new reporting enginer.

  • Most important is SSRS Key Backup


  • Thanks Ramdas Baghel. But how about the old domain users? When move to new domain, the user should be changed to new domain user, how to do this?

  • Would u please share the complete scenario with some samples?


  • We have a old domain A and would like to create a new domain B. Then all servers and users will be migrate to domain B.

    In this way, we need to change servcie account and also migrate the users in reporting.

  • If your users are in Active directory there will no issue occur. But I suggest test out your complete migration plan with new domain before go final migration


  • Thanks for your suggestion, we will test the plan before go migration.

    But as i know, the user account is old in reporting if we doesn't change them to new domain account, does this case problem?

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