What SQL metrics do you show management?

  • This isn't a "bail me out" question, it's more intended for general discussion. Though it is front-of-mind for me right now, since I'm working on our monthly reporting document.

    Anyway - we all have our lists of counters to monitor SQL Server performance, and we all have our lists of what to look at when troubleshooting. But what does everyone here do if management says "I want a monthly report showing how our SQL Servers are doing"? What information do you present? What tools do you use to present it?

    In my case, I'm using SCOM for data collection and report generation. First up are basic uptime graphs, showing percent uptime, with an explanation for any down time. Next, I present general trends for each server I administer - disk/CPU/memory utilization - to try and identify any upcoming resource bottlenecks. Then I trend some utilization statistics - transactions per second, user connections - to try and give a window into how heavily the server is being used. It all gets tied together with some commentary, explaining any dips or spikes as best I can.

    So, what does everyone else do to keep management SQL Server-aware?

    Twitter: @Control_Group

  • I don't show them anything otherwise they will start to ask stupid questions, if they insist

    Jan - slow

    Feb - better

    Mar - even better

    Apr - good

    May - very good

    Jun - good

    Jul - been better

    and so on.

    makes it look like I'm tuning the server without making myself redundant 😉

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