what this mean: high CPU and Zero I/O and Zero Memory in sysprocesses

  • Hi,

    Recently, I faced one performance issue. SQL server became non responsive with 100% cpu utilization. I ran this query (select * from master..sysproceses order by CPU Desc) to find the high CPU utilized query. Below were top 2 rows of this query, you can see CPU value is high but I/O and memory is 0. After canceling the query (related to SPID 142). server CPU returned to normal. just wanted to know, in what situaltion I/O and memory usage can be 0 with high value of CPU

    SPID KPID Blocked LastwaitType dbid uid CPU phy_IO Memory status

    142 23740 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD 8 12 932188 0 0 runnable

    142 23808 0 SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD 8 12 925671 0 0 runnable

    -thanks in advance

  • double post

    answered the primary post at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic827726-360-1.aspx

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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