What to do after editing a noise words file

  • I have to remove the single letter noise words from the noise.enu file for a sql server 2000 instance.  There are mulitple database on the server, only 1 needing the full-text searching.  It already has a full-text catalog associated with the database. 

    I'm just trying to figure out if after I edit the noise.enu file, do I have to rebuild the catalog or can I just select the full populate opition in the database?

    (I know I need to stop the full-text search service to edit the file.)

    Thanks for any help - I inherited this and don't have a clue as to whaat I'm doing.  I gave up perusing through BOL.


  • Direct from MS

    If you edit a noise-word file, you must repopulate the full-text catalogs before the changes will take effect.)


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