What's a Toaster?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item What's a Toaster?

  • This editorial seems familiar :cool:.

    I do like the Toaster on display though. If I could get a toaster like that, that would be sweet 😀

    The only toasters I could think of are the zip utility and printkey. But then again, I have my preference of winrar. The software has to work correctly, and play nicely with others. I usually spend a good amount of time before settling on software.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]External hard drives - they store data and they plug in externally. However they don't burn bread or leave crumbs. :-)[/font]

  • Hmmm, toasters.... Well SQL Server, Office (Especially Excel and Outlook) would be the generic software i would always use but its not quite a toaster because I dont just use it for a minute at a time. They are more like underpants. You dont need to really try out different types, but you do use them pretty much all the time. 😛

  • gary.humphryes (2/4/2010)

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]External hard drives - they store data and they plug in externally. However they don't burn bread or leave crumbs. :-)[/font]

    If we include hardware in the list - that would be easy. My toaster would be thumb/flash drives

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Quite an interesting topic to start my day - even more when I start thinking about the toast bread itself... :w00t:

    Actually, I think it's the best to use those tools you are used to and you know how they are working. Why spending time searching something new if you don't really need it? But it's definitely worth digging a while and start a bigger research for new soft- or hardware if you have new requirements or you're not happy with your current solution. Then, it's up to you how much time you'd like to invest and this will probably depend on the benefit of the new gadget.

    But now, it's definitely breakfast time... 😀

  • mmmmm toast, and here I am with a bowl of weetabix :hehe:

    Hardware, for me it has to be the mouse. I can spend a good half hour pondering over which one to buy next, but they all do the same thing, move, point, click. I now have one with 7 buttons and a scroll wheel that tilts, and all I ever use are the basic 2 buttons.

    Software? Microsoft Word. All I want to do is write a letter or report, and I'm pretty sure that I'm still using exactly the same functions as Word 6 as I am in Word 2007.

    But that is a pretty cool toaster, now I'm off to scour the web for one. Thanks for destroying my productivitiy for today :-D:-D

    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
    It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
    the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.

  • Winrar is my toaster, has always worked nicely.

    Hardware is never my toaster, I build my own computers and I research all the parts and read the reviews and also research if the components has good drivers and how often a company upgrades them. That way my computer never has problems, until I installed windows 7 where Auzentech has no decent drivers for their soundcard auzen x-fi prelude 7.1 which I spent ~200 Euro on a couple of years ago, those drivers are awful so be aware ^^ but also be aware of creative, worst drivers ever. However, a user of the card had himself put together a bundle of existing drivers that seams to work great so that's nice, except I'm really annoyed with the company for not doing this yet, after all win 8 will probably be released summer 2011 or so and win 7 has been out a long time now.

  • MS Internet Explorer...however we do have other options to surf the net I still prefer IE as it is avlbl on any Windows box.

    Search Engine -- Of course Google

  • Word, Excel Visio, Outlook and lately Notepad++, which is brilliant and handles larger text files than MS products, although I had to think about that one the other day when I did an update and lost my ftp facility. Oh and WinDiff for comparing scripted databases, stored procs and tables.

  • Total Commander

    Couldn't live without!

  • Password Safe - nothing beats this little utility for remembering passwords.

    Firefox - just can be made easier seure than IE and works good.

    Google - search works fast, hits are good, sometimes verbose.

  • Mine's got to be Notepad. I use it to write SO MUCH code, and it's always there as a quick 2nd clipboard. Plus, as with the IE comment from jshailendra, it's on every windows box so you can rely on it 🙂

  • Would like to add...


    - Notepad is my toaster aswell now that I come to think of it.

    - IE would also be.

    - winzip although my home pc has winrar. they pretty much do the same thing... toasters...

    - Printkey


    - most input devices

    - blank disks (R and RW) etc

    Interesting topic.


  • I could be missing the point, but it seems to me that a lot of the "toasters" mentioned in this thread aren't toasters so much as wishlist utilities. I thought Steve's point was that a "toaster" is a utility that does what you want well enough to forget about it, but no better or worse than a myriad of other similar products.

    If I'm typing a letter, I'll use Word. I could use OpenOffice or even Wordpad, since both contain all the facilities I usually need for most letters, but I actively gravitate to Word. Therefore Word is not, for me, a toaster. The operating system, though, is something different, and whilst I understand not all OS's are built equal, they're all pretty equal for me. I only worry about the OS when there's a significant incompatibility with the apps I need to run or there's a significant security issue that can't be patched. Other than that, I just don't care.

    Semper in excretia, sumus solum profundum variat

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