What's the best way to filter MDX on a measure value?

  • I have a FactOrders cube.

    I have a user that wants to return all orders that have a $0 value in the product price paid. Is there a way to filter on a measure? Do I need to create a separate dimension in SSAS 2005 related to order value?

    I'm pretty green when it comes to Analysis Services, so any help would be appreciated.

  • There is actually a ValueFilter() MDX function just for this.

    It is a relatively slow function, so avoiding it is typically a good idea.

  • You can use the HAVING fx in MDX here is an example query with the syntax:

    SELECT {[Measures].[OrderDollars]}ON AXIS(0),

    {[Location].[Location Name].children}

    HAVING [Measures].[OrderDollars]=0 ON AXIS(1)

    FROM [Orders]

    WHERE ([Date].[Calendar].[9-Jun-08])

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