when was database updated last?

  • I'm wondering if there is a way (outside of setting a trace and waiting for some activity) to tell when a particular database was most recently updated (ie, insert, update, delete).  Kind of an "activity history" sort of thing.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.



  • Hi Jim

    As far as I know, there is no 'date last updated' property for a database, so there is no straightforward solution to your question.

    The following thread may be of interest - it relates to viewing the contents of the transaction log, which would give you the info you need. But it costs extra money.


    Alternatively, if you just want to audit changes to certain tables or fields within a database, you could consider writing a trigger that fires on insert/update/delete and writes to a separate audit table.



    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thanks, Phil.

    Your reference led me to the undocumented DBCC LOG command, which when used at a certain level (eg. DBCC log (database_name, type=3) displays some readable date information.

    It isn't very friendly to look at, but it is better than nothing!



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