when will the process complete?

  • I use mentioned below sql to find the status of process like index rebuild, restore job etc. I got this script from one of the training sessions. However sometime the script does not give the correct data. Does anyone have a better script?

    SELECT r.percent_complete,

    estimated_finish_time = DATEADD(MILLISECOND, estimated_completion_time, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP),

    t.[text]FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS r CROSS APPLY

    sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.[sql_handle]) AS t WHERE r.session_id = 59

  • I generally use

    select percent_complete, estimated_completion_time/60000.0 'EstimatedMinutesRemaining'

    , *

    from sys.dm_exec_requests

    where command like 'backup%'

    However, the Estimated_Completion_Time is not an accurate figure. It does give me a close enough figure on how long it would take to finish.

    In BOL, it is marked as Internal Use Only.

    You can use Stats option in the Backup / Restore commands. They would give the same information as is displayed by the about DMV.

  • select es.session_id,es.status,wt.exec_context_id,wt.wait_type,wt.blocking_session_id,wt.blocking_exec_context_id, wt.resource_description, wt.wait_duration_ms

    from sys.dm_exec_sessions es

    inner join sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks wt on es.session_id = wt.session_id

    where es.is_user_process = 1



    Sushant Kumar

  • SKYBVI (2/8/2011)

    select es.session_id,es.status,wt.exec_context_id,wt.wait_type,wt.blocking_session_id,wt.blocking_exec_context_id, wt.resource_description, wt.wait_duration_ms

    from sys.dm_exec_sessions es

    inner join sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks wt on es.session_id = wt.session_id

    where es.is_user_process = 1



    Thank Sushant. This doesn't give what i need.I need to findout how much more time(estimate time) will it take to complete a process like restore and rebuild index.

  • pankushmehta (2/7/2011)

    I generally use

    select percent_complete, estimated_completion_time/60000.0 'EstimatedMinutesRemaining'

    , *

    from sys.dm_exec_requests

    where command like 'backup%'

    However, the Estimated_Completion_Time is not an accurate figure. It does give me a close enough figure on how long it would take to finish.

    In BOL, it is marked as Internal Use Only.

    You can use Stats option in the Backup / Restore commands. They would give the same information as is displayed by the about DMV.

    I am performing a restore now and shows '0' secs from past two minutes. This neither works for rebuilding indexes. Thanks

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