When Windows don’t provide illumination

  • Hello Phil,

    Motivated by the railroad style diagrams article at Simple Talk, I wrote a program to generate railroad diagrams directly from the command syntax in text form.

    Check it out at http://translator.colindaley.com and let me know what you think.

  • Phil, I find myself about 95% in agreement with you; the 5% discrepancy is because I think you are understating your case.

    For a long, very long, extremely long time I have struggled with the fact that MS tools like Query Analyser (OK, I'm archaic) and SSMS when asked for scripts to generate something as simple as a table or a view, instead of generating a natural script generate a heap of gobbledegook dominated by lousy layout and insanely prolific and utterly unnecessary brackets that requires extensive editing before it is useful for anything. It's cheering to see that I'm not the only one who has noticed that minor problem; and somewhat disappointing, on reading these comments, to see the odd one that suggests Ms have got that right!


  • @colin

    I couldn't get that link to work. It would be a great tool to have. It is a time-consuming job to do by hand.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

  • Drat! I can't access it either. I can ping it, but Firefox says "Connecting ..." forever. Is that what happened to you?

    I have reported it to my hosting provider. I will update you when it is up again.

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