Where are SQL Server Templates stored in a Docker Container of SQL Server DB

  • Hi there

    I have created a Docker Container and able to restore and operate SQL Server Databases within this container.

    Now I am connected to this SQL Server Instance via SQL Server Managment Studio and I am able to create  folders

    and templates in Template Explorer

    However I am not able to locate where these new created folders are stored

    They do persist when i close down and restart SQL Server Management studio but I am able to locate their location

    For example

    C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\14.0\Templates\Sql\{your personal folder}

    But where are SQL Server Management templates stored in a Docker Container?

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  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Which version of SSMS?

    You're running your local SSMS and not SSMS in Docker, right? If so, you should be looking at your local path, not in the docker container. Templates are an artifact of SSMS, not SQL Server.

    If not, since you're talking about SSMS, I assume you are referring to a Windows Docker container with SQL Server since SSMS is not available in Linux. If so, does the container actually have SSMS installed? (SSMS has not been a part of the SQL Server install since 2016)

  • its the latest version 18.1  of SSMS im running and this was installed on my local windows ...on my hard drive and not in docker

    Now I did look at the local path....in fact i created 2 test folders in my template explorer...now normally I able to locate the Template folder on Windows explorer by searching for these test folders but i couldnt find them.


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