Where Can I find Yukon Beta?

  • Does the latest SQL server "Yukon" Beta ship with MSDN Enterprise or not? Anybody know where all the places I can get a copy of Yukon Beta release. I think previously somebody in the forume mentioned Beta 2 is going out in May.

    Please include any usefull links for yukon source?




  • I don't think they are shipping B1 anymore, not sure if it's in MSDN.

    The last rumor I heard was May/June for B2. There was a summit this week for MVPs, but haven't heard back from our MVP and not sure what is under NDA at this point.

  • I searched whole of MSDN and its release contents online but couldn't find it. I also suspected for release label as SQL Server 2005 but there was none.

    Usually MS releases beta products for MSDN enterprises? Can Yukon be a exception? That would be against MS marketing policy

     Please let me know if you come across source for beta.

    Thanks Steve.

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