Where clause performance anomaly. WTF.

  • I've got a table, tbMAIN which contains a VARCHAR(32) field 'Ticker' as well as an INT field InstTypeEnumID. The int field references the primary key of a lookup table, tbLKP. With me so far? Now it gets interesting.

    The InstTypeEnumID is related (although not formally) to the first 2 characters of the 'Ticker' field. (EG: when left(Ticker, 2) = 'st', then InstTypeEnumID should always be 14.)

    Given that, there is currently a lot of stored code that uses the following where clause:

    where Ticker like 'cy%'

    For cleanliness and consistency, I thought I'd create a function that could compare the values of InstTypeEnumID to the Lookup table's in order to alleviate the "like" comparison. Here's the function I came up with:

    create function fnEnumS (@EnumName dtString)

    returns int



    declare @EnumID int

    select @EnumID = E.EnumID

    from tbEnum E

    where E.EnumName = @EnumName

    return (@EnumID)


    So, I was ready to replace all occurrences of

    where Ticker like 'cy%'


    where InstTypeEnumID = dbo.fnEnumS('cy')

    Then I ran the following queries just for grins...

    declare @starttime datetime

    declare @endtime datetime

    set @starttime = getdate()

    select count(*) from tbMAIN

    where Ticker not like 'cy%'

    set @endtime = getdate()

    select @endtime - @starttime

    -- average time: 00:00:00.000 (IOW < .0015, right?) declare @starttime datetime
    declare @endtime datetime
    set @starttime = getdate()
    select count(*) from tbMAIN
    where InstTypeEnumID <> dbo.fnEnumS('cy')

    set @endtime = getdate()

    select @endtime - @starttime

    -- average time: 00:00:00.543

    Now, the tbMAIN.Ticker field DOES have a unique index on it, and the InstTypeEnumID column in tbMAIN IS NOT indexed, but I figured the integer compare against a PK would be much faster. The opposite is true! Why is this the case?!?

  • Your function and <> is converting the expression in not "SARG"able the not Like 'cy%' can be converted into like '[^cy]%' which is SARGable therefore your speed!


    * Noel

  • by that rationale, if I switched to 'like' and '=' instead of 'not like' and '', I should see the performance difference fade, right? I'm not seeing that in practice. is there a good article on this type of issue? SARGability and what not? tx... greg

  • There are two parts to the problem.

    If you look at the query plan on SQL Server you will be surprised that sometimes (when it is possible) your where expressions are changed for you to be able to exploit indexes (that's the SARG part) BTW: Inside SQL 2000 has an indepth description on this.

    The other is that you are incorporationg a function that was not present in the previous query that even though is evaluated only once it adds up and prevents conversion!



    * Noel

  • thanks noeld. appreciated.


    had some good words as well.

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