Where Do You Park?

  • We have a large staff car park by the main gate to the site and then have to walk past security and down the road to our building and it takes me about 5 mins to do the walk and 10 mins to drive the 6 miles from home - this is the rural West Country of England!

    Yet we all have favourite areas and mine is by the trees because it is shaded in the afternoon. I always reverse in and curse the OH if he's altered my nearside mirror upwards so I can't see the white lines. I always pick a space next to someone who's gone in forwards, as they are unlikely to be using the passenger door and I avoid being next to the boy racer cars belonging to the workshop lads as they don't seem to care about other people's cars.

    The battle here is how near the main gate you can get as that shows how early you got in, especially if the boss is later than you!

  • I do park in one of two spots at my current office. I picked them because they were empty the first time I came in. There is nothing special about them. I am a creature of habit so I do like to park in the same area, but if the spots aren't there I'll park anywhere and don't really care. The only time I really care about parking close is when there is bad weather or if I am in a hurry and just running in and out quickly.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Parking is a funny thing. Some people here have assigned parking spots and these are guarded with a jealousy that's hard to imagine ... if someone else gets a more desirable spot, sparks fly. Really really silly because the parking lot at this building is more than ample, it is never, ever filled.

    On the other hand there are a couple of old timers who park at the way farthest edge of the lot, by the woods. Then they go out and eat there lunch and relax there mid day.


    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • I carpool now... but when I did drive my own vehicle to work, I'd always park in the same spot daily... even if there were lots of spots closer. And talking to folks on the elevator, many around here do the same... and for the same reason. Its so I can find my car again at the end of the day, even if my brain is numb from the day. I can operate on auto pilot, press the same elevator button as I leave, and follow the same path. My job is enough of a challenge without the opportunity to play 'Hunt the Car' at the end of the day.

  • Those of us who drive motorcycles to work get to park in a couple of spots right next to the building under some great shade. I parked there today in fact as I ride to work as often as the weather allows (which is a good part of the year here in South Carolina).

    We need to have all of us who ride to work post what we ride. Me: Vulcan 750

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • Because our lot is pretty much exactly at capacity everyone has an assigned spot. However, my spot has been changed like 4 times since I worked there. Once it was beside the dumpster, then they got another trailer and took my spot so it became in *front* of the dumpster--until my car got hit by a forklift throwing flats into the dumpster... Then it was a slot on the other side of the dumpster until our neighbor complained that semi-trucks couldn't back into his dock...

    Then it was by the garage door--until my car was totaled by a truck backing into the dock. Finally, I got a spot on the main wall which is where I am now. Which is great--until somebody drives in from another sattelite office and parks in my spot, and there's seldom any other spots to "borrow".

    Such is life in a company that needs a fleet of vehicles for company use...sigh.

  • roger.plowman (9/1/2011)

    Because our lot is pretty much exactly at capacity everyone has an assigned spot. However, my spot has been changed like 4 times since I worked there. Once it was beside the dumpster, then they got another trailer and took my spot so it became in *front* of the dumpster--until my car got hit by a forklift throwing flats into the dumpster... Then it was a slot on the other side of the dumpster until our neighbor complained that semi-trucks couldn't back into his dock...

    Then it was by the garage door--until my car was totaled by a truck backing into the dock. Finally, I got a spot on the main wall which is where I am now. Which is great--until somebody drives in from another sattelite office and parks in my spot, and there's seldom any other spots to "borrow".

    Such is life in a company that needs a fleet of vehicles for company use...sigh.


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    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • I prefer to park in an "end" spot (as close to the curb) or next to a DP space. I like to minimize my chances of getting door dings.

  • I park in one of the 50 open parking spaces that are 30 seconds from the entry door. My wife parks her car in the driveway at home, since her company allows her to do most of her nerdery from the PC(s) at home.

    The only drawback is I have about a 30 min drive to work, and her's would be 45min when she does have to go to work. After the stressfull highway drive home, I like to go out on my dock and try to catch a bass or pike for a few minutes, where my boat is parked. tmi, I know.

  • I rarely park in the same spot on consecutive days. I love variety, and if I don't get enough change in my life I get bored, feel off-balance, etc. Had a boss who told me that whatever I do for a living, I have to make sure there's enough challenge, enough change, and enough variety. As she put it, "You get in trouble when you"re bored."

  • jay holovacs (9/1/2011)Really really silly because the parking lot at this building is more than ample, it is never, ever filled.

    That actually brings me to mind of the place I used to work a few years ago. We had the opposite situation--too few car spaces, too many people! Since I was generally first in in the morning, and first out at night, I went to great lengths to find a parking spot where it was pretty much guaranteed I wouldn't get blocked in by somebody. If I went out at lunch and somebody had taken that spot when I got back it always used to annoy me, because I knew there was a good chance I'd be delayed going home while everybody moved their cars out the way!

  • My limo (the B train) picks me up every morning and drops me right underneath my building. Then it picks me up and drives me home again at night. No parking necessary!

  • I park at the back of the lot, the far end of shopping parking lots, and as far away from other drivers as possible. I don't appreciate people parking inches from my vehicle and damaging it. Two years old, and finally someone hit it the other day. White paint on the front corner, because some a$$!@#^ couldn't accept that my car was undamaged or something! Fortunately they didn't really dent it, just rubbed against it, but come on!

    I don't mind walking at all. I don't hog close in spaces, or take up two spots, or anything else - it just seems people don't like it when someone else has something they don't. It is worse in this economy. I work hard to support my family, and can't afford (or won't) to fix something on my vehicle when I would much rather spend it on my kids. So this is something I will be reminded of for the next 10 years or so.

    Yes, I own a Honda, so I can count on at least 20 years of it working in near brand new condition! It just won't look new anymore.


  • I used to park in a parking garage at one job and often hit the top floor because I was a late arriver and knew there would be spots. I also drove my 914 often and would like taking the curves in that thing :w00t:

    At the job before that, I drove on Monday and picked a spot along the end of the parking lot because my car would be there all week and a little walk was fine with me and since I wasn't using it, I didn't want to take the closer spots from others. At that time I drove a Trooper and kept my bike inside with changes of clothes. Then Mon night - Fri am I would ride the bike back and forth, doing a 2 wheel commute for the 10 miles, driving the truck home on Fri.

  • I commute by bicycle most of the time so I park at the bike rack just inside the entrance. I do tend to put my bike at the end of the rack so I don't have to manuever it out from between others.

    When I drive, I'm usually able to park in a small lot at one end of the building that has shade in the afternoon. Pretty nice during the summer!


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