Where is the Package executed?

  • Hi,

    my ssis-packages are stored as files on the server. For every Package I added an batch-file which calls dtexec to execute the package. If I start a remote session to the server and doubleclick the batch, the package will be executed on the server.

    Now, what if I had no access to the server via remote desktop but only a share to the batch-files. If i start such batch from my local pc, will the ssis-package will be executed on the server or on my pc?

    I need to find a way to to execute the packages on a production server, where my access will be extremely limited.

    Thank you,


  • In your scenario, the package will run on your local PC.

    You have a couple of options. RCmd or another utility will execute a command on a remote machine. This would mean you have to have a service running on the remote machine.

    You can run the package through the SQL Job Agent. Starting a job will run the package on the server the Job Agent is running on. You cannot run the same job twice at the same time, so if you have a multi-user environment you would have to dynamically add a job to the agent to support this. It's not a bad option, but it can be tricky to set up security.

    You could also create a stored procedure using CLR or xp_CmdShell to execute the package on the SQL Server that procedure runs on. This is again a place in which security can be tricky, but it gives you lots of flexibility.

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