Which country is best for Outsourcing?

  • All,

    Which country is best for outsourcing? I believe i will get some interesting answers.


  • I think that depends on who is doing the outsourcing, and the particular activity they are outsourcing.

  • To add also that it will depend on the company you are outsourcing to. Never seen any examples of outsourcing that achieve the expected result, seen plenty of problems though, usually in understanding, some things don't translate too well.

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • Carolyn Richardson (3/23/2009)

    To add also that it will depend on the company you are outsourcing to. Never seen any examples of outsourcing that achieve the expected result, seen plenty of problems though, usually in understanding, some things don't translate too well.

    I agree with you. I have managed several outsourcing project. Money is very good but it is hell of a job. The best way to take advantage of outsourcing is to hire a someone who know the culture of the country and he/she is based in America. He should be ready to travel a lot and should be available few hours in morning to talk to the client and few hours in night to talk to developers. I still do some consulting work in USA and outsource the development to India. Find a right team in India is the key. Note: Do not use google to find an outsourcing company. Even if you interview an candidate to do your project 75% of the chance is he will not be working on your project. There is no concept of QA (based on my experience) unless you are on TOP of it. Turnover of employees is very high in India.

    Note: This is my experience with dealing with several outsourcing companies & clients. I do not want to sterotype all outsourcing companies. In short, finding the right team is the key.

    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • There is no best. It's a company by company experience. It's like saying who's the best DBA? Not sure there is such a thing.

  • Outsourcing is a too wide term.

    * Noel

  • karthikeyan (3/23/2009)


    Which country is best for outsourcing? I believe i will get some interesting answers.

    Why do you want to know?

    --Jeff Moden

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  • I'm just wondering:

    is your question related to the country to outsource from or to outsource to? :hehe:

    Aside of that, you're normally not outsorcing to a country but to a company. So, the original question needs to be rephrased.

    Think about the following scenario:

    You're forced to implement SAP in your company. The standard doesn't meet your requirement. So you set up a project with a rather huge local SAP group that's asking you all these questions about what your requirements are, filling hundreds of of pages.

    The SAP folks figure that your concept would fit in the SAP basket to be sold to others as well. Do you really think, SAP would program those changes at local offices?

    So, even with contracting a local company the coding sometimes is done somewhere in the world. From my point of view, the important part is to know who's doing the coding (local or offshore) rather than who you contract in the first place and what country they're located in.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Ohio.

    Or maybe West Virginia. Plenty of graduates from Marshall and UK in western West Virginia and eastern Kentucky who would be willing to do quality tech stuff for a decent wage. Quite a few are farm kids who grew up with a strong work ethic and a desire to prove themselves.

    If that's not exotic enough, I'm sure many of them can be coerced into speaking our quaint Hill dialect which, when combined with colorful clothing and strange food, often lend themselves to the illusion of alienness.

    Sorry, it just strikes me as strange that I have relatives who are desperate for jobs, are well educated, would probably work for a pittance, and we're still talking about shipping work off to folks who won't be contributing to our local communities on a regular basis.

    I'm not an isolationist and I firmly believe that we have to help developing economies gain the benefits we have so long enjoyed, but I don't have an answer as to how that can be accomplished without causing undue pain to the local community.

    Rereading what I just wrote, I'm afraid I come off like one of the South Park characters ("They're takin' our jobs!"). I know the situation is complex and I don't have the answers. I just feel for my friends who need work and are having trouble finding it.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • karthikeyan (3/23/2009)


    Which country is best for outsourcing? I believe i will get some interesting answers.

    LOL. It's credit crunch time. What sort of answer are you expecting?

    Oh sorry! I mean I'm in the UK. So the UK. Obviously!


  • David Webb (3/23/2009)


    Or maybe West Virginia.....

    Clearly the best answer is New Zealand! 🙂

    A first world country with solid infrastructure but relatively weaker dollar means you get more bang (code?) for you buck. Similar culture and language to the UK/US means fewer translation problems... And we will work through your night!

    Of course it's also a great place to visit to "check on the project". 😉

  • Heh... Detroit... where weak developers are killed and eaten and there is no night when there's a deadline. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Jeff Moden (3/23/2009)

    karthikeyan (3/23/2009)


    Which country is best for outsourcing? I believe i will get some interesting answers.

    Why do you want to know?

    Well, I wanted to know which country (overall thought) is doing good outsourcing. Because peoples from different countires who were worked with different countries and peoples are participating in this community. so they will share their real experience. that's why i have asked this question.


  • lmu92 (3/23/2009)

    I'm just wondering:

    is your question related to the country to outsource from or to outsource to? :hehe:

    Aside of that, you're normally not outsorcing to a country but to a company. So, the original question needs to be rephrased.

    My question is related to outsource to.

    Yes. You are correct! we are outsourcing to a company. But i just wanted to know the overall thought about outsourcing country.


  • Why outsource when we have manpower in US and technical ppl are willing to work on competative salaries. I work for a company which outsource DBA work. Trust me its a disaster. complete disaster. First, language problem then technical problem. This is so weired that we first had to train ppl in india. I was expecting they will be trained already. I could have train someone here in midwest for same pay rate. Its just junior level clerical DBA work they do. Like check job and backups then why not hire here in USA and use our man power here.

    Japaneese, Germans, French never outsource . How they surviving?

    I think its greed. capatalist wants to make more and more everyday. if out sourcing would be the way to save more money then trust me Merrill Lynch and Leahmon Brothers would not have gone bank corrupt. almost 70% of operations were conduted in INDIA. They still failed.

    We should trust on US labor, especially when they are willing to work on lower wages.

    :crazy: :alien:

    Umar Iqbal

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