Which Query is Right?

  • Alright, I'm having a really stupid moment!  I have three tables:

    Buildings, Suites, RealmStageSuites

    Buildings has a GUID PK of BuildingID with a natural (search) key of BuildingNumber.

    Suites has a GUID PK of SuiteID with a natural (search) key of SuiteName.

    RealmStageSuites has a compound natural key of BuildingID and SuiteName - which coorespond with the natural keys in the above mentioned tables.

    So, I need to join buildings table and suites table to match them up with RealmStageSuites.

    What I need to do is delete all records from suites that does not have a cooresponding record in RealmStageSuites.  I have two queries that for whatever reason look the same to me - but are selecting different sets up records.

    This query selects (and would be changed to delete) 311 records


    select s.suiteid, s.buildingid, s.SuiteName, b.buildingnumber, g.suitename, g.buildingID

    from suites s

    inner join buildings b on s.buildingid=b.buildingid

    LEFT JOIN RealmStageSuites g on g.buildingid=b.buildingnumber AND g.suitename=s.suitename

    WHERE g.suitename IS NULL AND g.buildingID is NULL


    This query selects (and would be changed to delete) 187 records


    select s.suiteid, s.buildingid, s.SuiteName, b.buildingnumber

    from suites s

    inner join buildings b on s.buildingid=b.buildingid

    where (b.buildingNumber

    NOT IN (SELECT buildingID from RealmStageSuites)

    AND s.SuiteName

    NOT IN (SELECT SuiteName from RealmStageSuites))

    order by buildingnumber


    Which is actually selecting what I want?


  • Don't forget the LEFT JOIN rule - if you place a WHERE condition on any column in the left joined table, you essentially convert the left join to an INNER join.


  • After some additional testing, it looks like query 1 is correct:

    select s.suiteid, s.buildingid, s.SuiteName, b.buildingnumber, g.suitename, g.buildingID

    from suites s

    inner join buildings b on s.buildingid=b.buildingid

    LEFT JOIN RealmStageSuites g on g.buildingid=b.buildingnumber AND g.suitename=s.suitename

    WHERE g.suitename IS NULL AND g.buildingID is NULL

    Anyone know what's wrong with Q2?

  • The relationship between Buildings/Suites is not clear. Can 2 different buildings have a suite with the same name ? Or is SuiteName always unique ?


  • Sorry about that.  Yes, many different suites can have the same name in different buildings.  For instance, suite 300 can occur many times (in different buildings)

  • In that case I'd construct it as an EXISTS, because you have a compound, 2 column natural key to check.

    select s.suiteid As DeletableKey

    from suites s

    inner join buildings b

      on s.buildingid = b.buildingid

    where not exists (

      select *

      from RealmStageSuites g

      where g.suitename = s.suitename

      and   g.buildingid = b.buildingnumber  -- Is this right ? ID = Number ?


  • PW, thanks for your help.  Your query selects the same 311 records as my query 1.  I like the way you used exists - I will take a closer look at that keyword.

    As an aside, I think Query 2 is having troubles because of:

    where (b.buildingNumber

    NOT IN (SELECT buildingID from RealmStageSuites)

    AND s.SuiteName

    NOT IN (SELECT SuiteName from RealmStageSuites))

    I was essentially trying to select records where the combo of buildingnumber + SuiteName as not showing up.  Instead, it was ignoring missing suite records simply by the existence of the

    where (b.buildingNumber

    NOT IN (SELECT buildingID from RealmStageSuites)

    As soon as any record was found with the correct building number - all records with the building didn't make the result set.

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