Who do you hire?

  • Steve

    I had to disagree with you that 'You can teach tech skills. You can't teach personality.'

    Some people are very smart and movtivated, they can learn new technology fast and willing to accept any new challenge.  It is part of their personality.

    But some people just can't learn.  In my old company, my IT VP said SQL was so easy that everyone could learn it without any problem, no training, no nothing.  Guess what !  They had SQL server for years and 90% of their employees could not even write a decent 'SELECT' statement. My old team leader rated himself as SQL expert and did not know how to write 'SELECT * into tableA from tableB'.   I looked at some of their old stored procedures and DTS Packages, you did not know if you should laugh or cry.  Some of the SQL server DBAs could not even write proper DTS Package and stored procedure.  I did not even know how they could land the job.  Most people I knew got the job from their friends with 'good references'.

    It is just not SQL, a lot of other programmers are the same.  Just liked learning Math, some kids just did not have the logical mind to master the concept.

    As for some people, they just had no motivation to learn, they sticked with what they knew - COBOL, PL/1, C..... and hope they can work until they retire.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Being a DBA is about having good fortune by hard work, ingenuity and being the 'last-man-standing', as it were, the guy who succeeds where all others fail.  The Creme de la creme.

    Do what I do to eliminate the unluckier elements - throw the CV's in the bin at random until you are left with the 'last-man-standing' - at least you'll know he isn't a bad-luck charm!



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