Who Wants to Lead the Community?

  • Andy Warren (6/10/2010)

    Jason, look for all of that in the next 1-2 weeks.

    Thanks Andy

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • jonathan.headland (6/10/2010)

    I thought it was a well-written motivational editorial, clearly explaining the costs and benefits.

    However, Steve forgot to tell us what PASS is. What is it?

    This is one of the problems PASS faces, so many people who use SQL Server don't know about it. They do know about SSC, MSSQLTIPS, etc... but not PASS. The question is, how do we tell them? I was in the same boat 3 years ago, about the only thing I knew about PASS was that it had the Summit and SSC had a party at the Summit. Part of the issue is what does PASS provide for value that a majority of SSC members can use? Local leaders need to have something to market to their groups and then make sure that they do it. PASS also has to be a bigger presence at SQLSaturday's now that they own it, not necessarily people, but at least banners, etc...

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • chrisn-585491 (6/10/2010)

    my company doesn't believe in professional development


    PASS really doesn't do much for me and I can't even attend the conference. If I'm going to volunteer, I'd rather help out with the local User Group, NTSSUG, which is awesome.

    This is issue #2. What does PASS do for me? I'll echo what Jason said, by helping the local group you ARE helping PASS and I think that once you get involved there you'll learn more about what PASS does offer.

    PASS IS more than the Summit. It is the local user groups, the virtual chapters, 24 Hours of PASS. I do think PASS needs to offer more, but it takes time.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Good point, Jack, and I hope we'll see you on the board soon 😉

  • Jack Corbett (6/10/2010)

    chrisn-585491 (6/10/2010)

    my company doesn't believe in professional development


    PASS really doesn't do much for me and I can't even attend the conference. If I'm going to volunteer, I'd rather help out with the local User Group, NTSSUG, which is awesome.

    This is issue #2. What does PASS do for me? I'll echo what Jason said, by helping the local group you ARE helping PASS and I think that once you get involved there you'll learn more about what PASS does offer.

    PASS IS more than the Summit. It is the local user groups, the virtual chapters, 24 Hours of PASS. I do think PASS needs to offer more, but it takes time.

    24 Hours of pass was incredible. I was only able to catch one presentation live but I plan to watch a few of them they are posted on the PASS website.

    Kev -=Conan The Canadian=-

  • And don't forget, while PASS did not create SQL Saturday (Thanks Andy), it does now own it and provides the local groups the support structure so that they can run their own. I've run one (well, Adam Machanic ran it, but I helped) and presented at two, and there's a direct service, FREE, for the community, whether the people know they are in the community or not.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • I believe the magnitude of this commitment is what makes it hard for majority of people to come forward. I have run a local chapter for 7 years now, tremendously enjoyed and benefited from it, but again it is impossible without my employer's help and cooperation. And the main reason they agree is the free training and networking opportunities that provides to them. But volunteering for the board is quite another story. For one thing it is hard to explain to an employer what gains that gets them (not that much) and it involves huge amount of time and commitment. I believe only individuals who work for themselves or have extra ordinary understanding with employers can even consider this, and hats off to the people who do it, truly an unselfish commitment.

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