Why does my OS type job fail?

  • The cause of a failed job that performs database maintenance or other internal SQL commands is obvious. But my question is what causes a job to fail, or succeed for that matter when the job is executing an OS command, like a batch job? For example, part of a batch job may succeed and the other fail. Are there any articles on this or can anyone give me details.

  • Depend on what kind of jobs did you run? It might related to NT permission, SQL Server Agent service account or Agent Proxy account and those account's privilege. Can you give more details information about failure of your jobs?

  • One thing I can offer from having done some of this: it can get a little tricky, depending on what your "batch job" actually is. I believe that the DOS ERRORLEVEL does come back from batch files, but, from what I can remember, handling of these is very dependent on what version of SQL you're running.

    Somewhat off the subject ...

    Another VERY odd behavior I've seen is with ISQL calls in batch files...VERY dependent on SQL server version if you need to do something meaningfull when an error occurs.

    my 2 cents.

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