Why I Run SQLServerCentral

  • Jeff,

    I'm not sure what my passion is. It's a question I ask myself constantly, but so far nothing has struck me.

    About 8 or 9 years ago my wife and I were talking about goals, and we set up lists of things that we wanted to do before we died. We both worked on them, and I have to say I've knocked off quite a few of the items on my list. I got the important ones, and with my kids growing up, many of the other goals don't seem quite as important anymore. I've had a great life, and I can't complain. I still do sometimes, but I know that I've been one lucky individual.

    Anyway, when we made the lists, we talked about retiring, and that we wanted to be sure we enjoyed life while we were still young. One of our plans was that we would each have the option to "retire" for 6 months when we turned 40 and just do something. I had the chance when I turned 40, but I didn't have anything I really wanted to do or tackle. Sitting around didn't make a lot of sense to me, so I skipped it.

    I may take some time off, or have a sabbatical at some point if I find something that really speaks to me. I'll be sure to let you know if I do.

  • I have a similar issue in that to get ahead, or especially at the start just to get by, in this field you have to learn so much continually. I have not had time to dedicate to anything else. There is plenty that I want to do when I retire (just hope the body will last as long as the mind - don't say it already has!!!) but between work, wife and children I have little time for me. Even just to sit down with a cup of tea and a book in the evening.

    I am not complaining just highlighting that, from my experience, many people in our industry struggle to commit to anything beyond career and family.

    I have plenty of ideas of what I could do with my time but I don't think a six month sabatical would work for me; either it would not be enough time, I would fail to return to IT or I would end up doing all the chores at home so the wife can finally succumb to full blown shopaholicism!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Steve Jones - Editor (12/1/2009)

    I'm not sure what my passion is. It's a question I ask myself constantly, but so far nothing has struck me.... One of our plans was that we would each have the option to "retire" for 6 months when we turned 40 and just do something. I had the chance when I turned 40, but I didn't have anything I really wanted to do or tackle. Sitting around didn't make a lot of sense to me, so I skipped it.

    Pretty cool idea about considering taking a little time off at 40 -- When my father retired, his primary concern was "what will I retire to?", similar to you. Sitting around ain't a thing to be doing, that's for sure. (Dad ultimately embraced woodworking; he turned out to be a true craftsman).

    Say, Steve, you've mentioned cars from time to time. Any passion there or just a fun-sort-of-thing?

  • peterzeke (12/2/2009)

    Steve Jones - Editor (12/1/2009)

    I'm not sure what my passion is.

    Say, Steve, you've mentioned cars from time to time. Any passion there or just a fun-sort-of-thing?

    steve hobbying with cars? that would be something. i would expect him to put two engines, one as seamless, failover backup. same for tires and battery.

    the car would have high performance and kilometers per liter of gas, miles per gallon. it would have to be stable making turns at high speed. it would beep during scheduled maintenance days.

    smile, smile 😀

  • Cars are tempting, but with my dream car in the garage, hard to argue for funding for another 😛

    I do mess with wood, have built some pens and would like to make some cabinets and other things. Built a karate belt stand for my son. I'll add that the blog at some point.

    I did order a kit to generate some power from wind, look for that in the blog, or maybe an editorial. I'm woefully behind on Car and Energy updates here.

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