why is my numeric value changing to an asterisk?

  • i wrote this code that would take input of a year and a julian day and convert it to a calendar date.  for some reason it is changing the values for Day and Year to asterisks; but it is not doing this with the value for the Month, though all three variables are identical- as far as i can tell.  the code is below-  can anybody shed some light on this for me?  thanks





    -- convert Julian Date to Calendar Date

    declare @Julian_Date int

    declare @Year int

    declare @Ld int

    declare @LeapYear bit

    declare @Month int

    declare @Day int

    declare @Month2 as char

    declare @Day2 as char

    declare @Year2 as char

    declare @Calendar_Date varchar(10)

    set @Year = 2004

    set @Julian_Date = 60

     -- 1)  Determine Leap Year

      if @Year % 4 = 0  -- Leap Year


        set @LeapYear = 1

        set @Ld = 1


      else    -- Not A Leap Year


        set @LeapYear = 0

        set @Ld = 0



     -- 2)  Get Month

      if @Julian_Date < 32


        set @Month = '01' -- January




     else    if @Julian_Date > 31 and @Julian_Date < (60 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '02' -- February




     else    if @Julian_Date > (59 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (91 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '03' -- March




     else    if @Julian_Date > (90 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (121 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '04' -- April




     else    if @Julian_Date > (120 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (152 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '05' -- May




     else    if @Julian_Date > (151 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (182 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '06' -- June




     else    if @Julian_Date > (181 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (213 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '07' -- July




     else    if @Julian_Date > (212 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (244 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '08' -- August



     else    if @Julian_Date > (243 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (274 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '09' -- September



     else    if @Julian_Date > (273 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (305 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '10' -- October



     else    if @Julian_Date > (304 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (335 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '11' -- November



     else    if @Julian_Date > (334 + @Ld) and @Julian_Date < (366 + @Ld)


        set @Month = '12' -- December



     -- 3)  Get Day

      if @Month = '01'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date


      if @Month = '02'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - 31


      if @Month = '03'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (59 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '04'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (90 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '05'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (120 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '06'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (151 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '07'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (181 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '08'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (212 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '09'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (243 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '10'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (273 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '11'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (304 + @Ld)


      if @Month = '12'


        set @Day = @Julian_Date - (334 + @Ld)



     -- 4)  Return Calendar Date

       set @Month2 = @Month

       set @Day2 = @Day

       set @Year2 = @Year

    print 'Month: ' + @Month2

    print 'Day: ' + @Day2

    print 'Year: ' + @Year2

      set @Calendar_Date = @Month2 + '/' + @Day2 + '/' + Right(@Year2, 2)







  • declare @Julian_Date int

    declare @Year int

    set @Year = 2004

    set @Julian_Date = 60

    Select DateAdd(dd,@Julian_DAte, Cast( @Year - 1  as char(4)) +'-12-31')  as CalendarDay

    * Noel

  • Take a look at BOL for CAST and CONVERT.

    When converting character or binary expressions (char, nchar, nvarchar, varchar, binary, or varbinary) to an expression of a different data type, data can be truncated, only partially displayed, or an error is returned because the result is too short to display. Conversions to char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar, binary, and varbinary are truncated, except for the conversions shown in this table.

    ...as I have turned off the WYSIWYG editor here, I can't paste the table, so please look it up in BOL. Likely to be the cause of your problem.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • the thing is, i know how to get around this problem; but i want to know why it's happening in the first place. 

    the variables for Month, Day, and Year are all identical-, and all three accept their initial value assignments; but the Day and Year variables replace their second value assignments with asterisks, although each of those values is an integer just as were the initial values;  so i can't see why one variable would behave the way it is expected to, while the other two reject my attempts to re-assign them values.

  • Ready for an AHA effect?

    declare @Month2 as char

    declare @Day2 as char

    declare @Year2 as char

    is the same as

    declare @Month2 as char(1)

    declare @Day2 as char(1)

    declare @Year2 as char(1)

    Change it to

    declare @Month2 as char(2)

    declare @Day2 as char(2)

    declare @Year2 as char(4)

    you'll get

    Month: 2

    Day: 29

    Year: 2004

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • that did it.  thanks!

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