Why isnt ISNULL working?

  • Hello.

    I´m trying to retrieve a name (just for test) based on input parameters. In case the input doesent match any columns in the table i use an ISNULL.

    Im currently using SQL Server 2005 Express and the column containing the password is of type nvarchar(20).

    For some reason i just cant get it to work. What im i missing? Im sure its really simple but sometimes you just cant figure it out.

    This is the statement.:


    ISNULL(Password,'NoUser') as Result

    FROM [User]



    'TEST02' doesent exist in the table and i would like to get a default value instead. But the ISNULL doesent seem to be working. I just seems to return nothing or maybe an empty string.

    Im pretty sure this is the way i used to do it with SQL Server 2000 and it worked.

    All help i much appreciated.






  • That would not work in 2000 either - if there is no entry for TEST02 in the table then there will be no row returned - if there is a row for TEST02 but the password is null then you will return 'NoUser'

    If you want to test to see if TEST02 exists in the table then

    if not exists (select 1 from [User] where TSICId = 'TEST02')

     select 'NoUser'

    If you are trying to join from a table where TEST02 does exist then

    something like this would work

    set nocount on

    declare @table table(UserId int ,email varchar(20))

    declare @table2 table (UserId int)

    insert into @table2

    select 1


    select 2


    select 3

    insert into @table

    select 1,'a@abc.com'


    select 2,'b@abc.com'

    select a.UserId,isnull(b.email,'NoUser') as Email

    from @table2 a

    left join @table b on a.userId = b.UserId

    where a.userid = 3


    hope this helps



  • Thanks a lot!

    Dont really know how i was thinking.

    This helps.

  • Very simple.

    SELECT distinct (case when count(Pswrd)=0 then 'NoUser' end) as Result

    FROM WHERE last = 'TEST02'

  • I don't think Mark's query returns the password if the TEST02 user actually exists. Perhaps this will work.

    select top 1 password as Result

    from (

    select 1 as SortOrder, last, password

    from [dbo].

    where last = 'TEST02'

    union all

    select 2 as SortOrder, 'NoUser' as last, 'NoUser' as password

    ) as users

    order by SortOrder

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