Why need so much time form Function

  • HI,

       I have created a multi line table function.This fucntion takes time to return output more than 1 min.I have replaced the function by Sp.Now it takes only

    2-3 secs. to show the output.The internal code in SP and in Function are identically same.

    I don't understand why function takes so much of time than sp?

    Can any one tell me the reason(technical point) behind it?

    I need it urgently..

    Thanks & Regards




     Herewith I am Pasting my code for SP and Function.

    Color Code :

    SP        : Blue

    Function: Green

    Table    :  Red

    Here I am using only two tables.I have also given the table structure with Primary keys and foreign key referrences below.

    In code I am not using table directly.Instead of this I have created two views for each table with all fields and used those views.

    CREATE PROCEDURE sproc_SupplyStaffAvailability

     (@StartDate datetime,

      @StartOpening char(1),

      @EndDate datetime,

      @EndOpening char(1)







     DECLARE @TotalDays numeric(8,2)

     DECLARE @StartOpeningA char(1)

     DECLARE @StartOpeningM char(1)

     DECLARE @EndOpeningA char(1)

     DECLARE @EndOpeningM char(1)


     SET @DateCnt = @StartDate

     SET @TotalDays = 0

     WHILE @DateCnt <= @EndDate


      IF (datepart(DW,@DateCnt) <> 6) and (datepart(DW,@DateCnt) <> 7)


       SET @TotalDays = @TotalDays + 1



      SET @DateCnt = @DateCnt +1


     SET @TotalDays = @TotalDays * 2

     IF @StartOpening = 'M' OR @StartOpening IS NULL


      SET @StartOpeningM = 'M'

      SET @StartOpeningA = 'A'


     ELSE IF @StartOpening = 'A'


      SET @StartOpeningM = NULL

      SET @StartOpeningA = 'A'

      SET @TotalDays = @TotalDays -1


     IF @EndOpening = 'A' OR @EndOpening IS NULL


      SET @EndOpeningM = 'M'

      SET @EndOpeningA = 'A'


     ELSE IF @EndOpening = 'M'


      SET @EndOpeningM = 'M'

      SET @EndOpeningA = NULL

      SET @TotalDays = @TotalDays -1



     IF (@TotalDays <= 0)


      RAISERROR ('Invalid date range',16,1)

      RETURN 1


     SELECT SupplyTeacherView.SupplyTeacherID, Forename, Surname,

      100 - Convert(Numeric(10,2),((Count(bookingId)/@TotalDays) * 100)) as Availability

     FROM SupplyTeacherView LEFT OUTER JOIN BookingsView

       ON SupplyTeacherView.supplyTeacherId = BookingsView.supplyTeacherId

       AND BookingDate between @StartDate AND @EndDate

       AND (BookingDate = @StartDate AND (morningOrAfternoon IN (@StartOpeningM)

                OR morningOrAfternoon IN (@StartOpeningA)


         OR BookingDate <> @StartDate


       AND (BookingDate = @EndDate AND (morningOrAfternoon IN (@EndOpeningM)

              OR morningOrAfternoon IN (@EndOpeningA)


        OR BookingDate <> @EndDate


     GROUP BY SupplyTeacherView.supplyTeacherId, forename, surname

     HAVING 100 - ((Count(bookingId)/@TotalDays) * 100) > 0

     ORDER BY SupplyTeacherView.supplyTeacherId

     RETURN 0



    CREATE FUNCTION ufn_SupplyStaffAvailability

     (@StartDate datetime,

      @StartOpening char(1),

      @EndDate datetime,

      @EndOpening char(1))

    RETURNS @StaffAvailability TABLE

     (supplyTeacherId int,

      forename char(20),

      surname  char(20),

      Availability Numeric(8,2)





     DECLARE @TotalDays numeric(8,2)

     DECLARE @StartOpeningA char(1)

     DECLARE @StartOpeningM char(1)

     DECLARE @EndOpeningA char(1)

     DECLARE @EndOpeningM char(1)


     SET @DateCnt = @StartDate

     SET @TotalDays = 0

     WHILE @DateCnt <= @EndDate


      IF (datename(DW,@DateCnt) <> 'Saturday') and (datename(DW,@DateCnt) <> 'Sunday')


       SET @TotalDays = @TotalDays + 1



      SET @DateCnt = @DateCnt +1


     SET @TotalDays = @TotalDays * 2

     IF @StartOpening = 'M' OR @StartOpening IS NULL


      SET @StartOpeningM = 'M'

      SET @StartOpeningA = 'A'


     ELSE IF @StartOpening = 'A'


      SET @StartOpeningM = NULL

      SET @StartOpeningA = 'A'

      SET @TotalDays = @TotalDays -1


     IF @EndOpening = 'A' OR @EndOpening IS NULL


      SET @EndOpeningM = 'M'

      SET @EndOpeningA = 'A'


     ELSE IF @EndOpening = 'M'


      SET @EndOpeningM = 'M'

      SET @EndOpeningA = NULL

      SET @TotalDays = @TotalDays -1




     INSERT INTO @StaffAvailability

     SELECT SupplyTeacherView.supplyTeacherId, forename, surname,

      100 - ((Count(bookingId)/@TotalDays) * 100) as Availability

     FROM SupplyTeacherView LEFT OUTER JOIN BookingsView

       ON SupplyTeacherView.supplyTeacherId = BookingsView.supplyTeacherId

       AND [date] between @StartDate AND @EndDate

       AND ([date] = @StartDate AND (morningOrAfternoon IN (@StartOpeningM)

                OR morningOrAfternoon IN (@StartOpeningA)


         OR [date] <> @StartDate


       AND ([date] = @EndDate AND (morningOrAfternoon IN (@EndOpeningM)

              OR morningOrAfternoon IN (@EndOpeningA)


        OR [date] <> @EndDate


     GROUP BY SupplyTeacherView.supplyTeacherId, forename, surname

     HAVING 100 - ((Count(bookingId)/@TotalDays) * 100) > 0




    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SupplyTeacher] (

     [SupplyTeacherID] [int] Primary Key IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [Forename] [char] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [Surname] [char] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Bookings] (

     [BookingID] [int] Primary Key IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [SupplyTeacherID] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [BookingDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

     [MorningOrAfternoon] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Bookings] ADD

     CONSTRAINT [FK_Bookings_supplyTeacherId] FOREIGN KEY



    &nbsp REFERENCES [dbo].[SupplyTeacher] (




    Hope u all can debug the code and find out the actual problem.





    Thanks & Regards,

    Niladri Kumar Saha

  • Can you show us the code and how you are using it (how you call 'em)?

  • Might be helpful to see what you have done.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Functions are normally slower than other methods.


    However, to ensure it is not an indexing issue, run profiler against the call to see what type of output you are seeing.  Sometimes that will clue you in.


    It would help us a lot if we saw some representation of the code, however.


    The fact that the SP takes 2 - 3 seconds is a long time.  I would start by optimizing that SP.  Reads < 1000 is usually a good target point to start (I try to get mine less than 500 where possible.  My guess is you need additional indexes, or need to change existing indexes.  If you post the code, please post the indexes as well, so that we can judge how those are set up.


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