Why SQL Server?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Why SQL Server?

  • Heh... my goodness. Why would anyone consider being "stuck" in SQL Server being "stuck"? I actually gave up the front-end world (11 years ago) to work almost exclusively in SQL Server and haven't regretted that decision for even a split second.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • I work as a freelance developer (mainly .NET at the moment) so a large part of of that decision is taken away from me as it lies with my clients. Arguable, I agree to take on work that includes SQL Server elements, however, like many I have worked with Oracle, DB2 and various other database technologies (RDBMS and otherwise).

    I prefer to work with SQL Server over the other technologies because I enjoy working on a well integrated stack that in the large part "just works" (troll away). There is plenty for me to remember and learn with each contract that to cover too many database technologies might be spreading myself too thinly and would be a disservice to my clients. I like the commonalities across the toolsets. It is also easier to switch between different versions of the same product compared to also having to switch between different products.

    How did I get into SQL Server? As a Windows C++ developer I took on a role that required development against SQL Server 7. I had already received a theoretical relational database education so it was about learning the tools and, most importantly, where practice differs from theory. Fortunately, I was working with an experienced DBA who was also a very nice chap. He ripped apart my first database schema design (in part) and pieced it back together in a review in front of me and others BUT he explained why. The review of the next schema I designed was far simpler for him and far more satisfying for me. Clever as well as nice, eh?

    As for SQLServerCentral.com, well I could say that I gravitate to fellow reprobates but seriously I had an issue (cannot remember what, why or for whom) and found knowledge here both in the form of articles and from fellow professionals. I love the lighthearted approach of most allowing scathing debates without it becoming personal - although it must be said that sometimes Steve does step in to stop it going too far.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • For me it was definitely a case of falling into it. As a Sys Admin, myself and a couple of colleagues had to learn several technologies for a project at work, so we split them between us and I ended up with SQL Server. I think the tenuous reason was that as the person responsible for backups I'd spent time in SQL getting the backups to work, and therefore knew slightly more about it than the others.

    I went on to do my 2000 MCDBA, and ever since it seems I've been "the DBA".

    I'd still describe myself as a Sysadmin rather than a DBA, since SQL is only part of my job, but I definitely enjoy it. I think what attracts me to it is that many of the parallels between Sysadmin work and DBA work are exactly those things I enjoy most in my job.

    I've certainly thought about focusing more on SQL in the future, but aside from that definitely requiring a job change, I'd miss playing with all the other tech!

  • I started learning SQL when I was doing entry level tech support at Microsoft Business Solutions for an accounting product. I simply could not have done that job without looking under the hood. Every IT position I've had since then has increased my skill set and knowledge (as well as my curiosity!) about the product.

    I'm currently doing project management for an automotive parts manufacturer and SQL Server is a prevalent part of the systems here - getting ready to plan an upgrade to SQL Server 2012.

  • I was doing mainframe FOCUS development when I first met SQL. We were a big red N shop and the W word was not tolerated well. An outcast from another team was put on our team because he wrote VB applications for Win3x. This was when WinNT was first released and SQL Server was at version 4.x. I had the great good fortune to be taught both technologies by Takker (nickname of the outcast). Over the years I moved off the mainframe and began writing .ASP when Visual Interdev went gold. Eventually I started doing VB and then .Net development. But the SQL always came along for the ride. I was fortunate enough about 10 years ago to stop doing interface development and concentrate on SQL development and I couldn't be happier.

    A rut is somewhere you don't want to be. I had that problem with interface work. Just not my gig. SQL gives me a solid development environment that crosses many boundaries (TSQL/SSIS/SSRS/SSAS) so there is no reason to be bored. And it is maturing at a faster rate with many new features and technologies in each release so you can always find a new an better way to accomplish something.

    Buy the ticket, take the ride. -- Hunter S. Thompson

  • I work as a sole programmer for a law firm doing both ends, front and back. I've been with SQL Server since around 2000. Before that I had experience with Access to start, then Oracle and PL-SQL, and a mercifully short waltz with DB2. Since I met SQL Server and T-SQL, I've never looked back. What other DBMS has this combination of power and extreme reliability? Initially I was handed SQL Server as "the back end" but if I have any choice in the matter, I'll never work with any other database.


    "No pressure, no diamonds." - Thomas Carlyle

  • I have always loved working with the people for whom I develop applications. I have never "loved" a technology. A technology such as SQL Server is a tool to delivering a product. I work in SQL Server now because my employer has it. That has always been the case. Whether I was an employee or a contractor, I always had to adjust to whatever technology was required at the time. I have always looked at that as an opportunity to learn something new.

    I have seen the technological flavor of the day come and go many times over the years (30 + years now). I have learned to not get too excited about a given technology or platform. My next flavor of the day adventure coming is android device programming.

    I do love learning new things. 🙂


  • How I got started with SQL Server?

    I was a Sybase DBA and the company where I worked was conducting a physical audit and they were powering down physical machines in the hopes of clearing out a server room.

    A machine that was incorrectly thought to be not in use was powered down and internal clients complained. The team doing the audit powered the machine back up and logged in and discovered it had a SQL Server install on it.

    We did not have a SQL Server DBA and since I was the Sybase DBA it fell into my lap.

    I had no client software and we had no installation media for me to install SQL client tools.

    I did some googling (or AltaVista or whatever was around back then) and discovered a swiss army knife of a multi-RDBMS client tool called WinSQL.

    The sa password was blank so I was able to login with WinSQL using sa and no password.

    Thus began my relationship with SQL Server.

  • I started off doing software development with Coldfusion and VB6/VB.NET in my first few jobs. Fortunately, the database was always SQL Server. Over time, I just gravitated towards working on the database partly because the job demanded it and partly because I seemed to enjoy working with the database more than the front end. I have had forays into MySQL, and even been offered full-time jobs on MySQL which I turned down. After having worked with both and comparing the two and seeing how much better SQL Server is, I find MySQL development frustrating because SQL Server makes so many things so much easier, and is far far more capable. I also really like the SQL Server community.

    Hakim Ali

  • I fondly remember those days when I would re-build indexes with my dad in the garage on saturday mornings...right after cartoons...


  • I was employed as a Data Analyst in health care. The organization used a Firebird based system and I found myself starting to code SQL to obtain data for analysis. Eventually the organization decided to create a warehouse using SQL Server 2000 for it's reporting and analysis needs and due to my experience with the SQL language I was moved to work on development on the warehouse and reporting solutions, in a very small team. Since then there has been a lot to learn and still is......

    So it was a happy accident for me. I have enjoyed the declarative nature of SQL, though I still enjoy 'meddling' in VB. The more I know about SQL Server technologies, the more there seems there is to know, so I am very happy with the way things have turned out. I totally agree with a previous post, there is no need to be bored.

    Dave Morris :alien:

    "Measure twice, saw once"

  • At a company I used to work for the application used a somewhat proprietary files system based "database" utilizing a DISAM setup. .dat and .idx files and either file type was prone to corruption as soon as it would hit a certain size. It was fast though. Market demand was what really caused us to make the move to supporting either an Oracle or SQL Server back end and this was in the 6.5 and 7x of Oracle days. Once we did that I was thrown in to the database world where I had to be knowledgeable about both Oracle and SQL Server because we now had to code for both. I found all of it fascinating and I worked closely with the DBA we had at the time. Eventually he left the company and I moved in to his role. I left that company and moved in to the role of a production DBA for both Oracle and SQL Server with a focus on Oracle as that company was in the process of a total redo of the application that was the heart of the business.

    That company didn't make it so the next move still involved daily work with both platforms but more for SQL Server as clients chose that due to the lower cost. Eventually most Oracle activity tapered of and tended to be more dev work and since my Oracle boxes were dev platforms there wasn't a need to keep my Oracle skills sharp so the focus was really all about SQL Server since I actually had production boxes on that platform. For years I was the DBA not just for our company but for many of our clients as the folks who ran Oracle tended to have deeper pockets and could afford to have a DBA or even a team of them on staff where the SQL Server clients typically did not.

    Going on 15 years or so with SQL Server and I'm glad I stuck with it. I still find it fun to work with and it helps a lot that a DBA is always in need so finding a job isn't a problem.


  • I used to be a Sys Admin and fell into administering SQL Server at the same time, I'd only worked for smaller businesses at the time. Because the network wasn't very large I had time on my hands so I spent time learning VB.NET, the development language used by the company, to work on small projects that wouldn't interfere with my Sys Admin tasks. They also saw fit to send me on a few SQL courses, one of which being SQL performance tuning ran by Itzik Ben-Gan, after which I performance tuned the system.

    Shortly after that I was made redundant which gave me three choices of career, stick as a Sys Admin or try my hand at being a coder or DBA. I didn't want to stay as a Sys Admin as I was bored and found the other two far more interesting. Coding and DBA work seemed to pay about the same, but there appeared to be less DBA's out there, the decicion was made. I took a chance and went for a contract DBA role covering maternity leave.

    I honestly haven't looked back, the job fits and seems well matched to my personality type. My whole way of being is about efficiency (I'm not saying it's the best way to be, it's just the way I am). For instance, I know to the minute how long it takes me to get ready in the morning or when cooking, everything is prepped before starting to ensure the work area is tidy so I can cook without distraction. Enough babbling....

    I'm now a Senior Database Dev and have just recruited my first member of staff for the newly formed database team. I think I made the right career choice 😀

  • gmby (3/1/2013)

    I fondly remember those days when I would re-build indexes with my dad in the garage on saturday mornings...right after cartoons...



    That's funny!

    My favorite 'toons were the WB ones with Bugs, Road Runner, et al.

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