Wiggle Room

  • Interesting that the topic of consulting is being brought up as I am about to leave my longtime job for a consulting gig. The request is for for a SQL Server Reporting Services developer with a couple of years experience. I have over 6 years of SQL development with 3+ years in reporting services so I felt confident in applying. They did not ask too many technical questions but liked my resume and the answers I gave well enough to hire me. They also are paying me more than I initially requested to accept the offer faster because they are so confident in my abilities.

    I know that I do not know everything about SQL and every company applies skills in different ways so I expect a little outside training and research to occur. I think it is unreasonable for any company to expect anyone to come in from the outside and immediately grasp the entire situation. The technical skills are only a small part of getting the job done. It is really knowing how to find the inormation you need, how to break down processes until they make sense and how to connect the moving parts that set a good developer apart from the mediocre ones.

  • Sharon Matyk (11/9/2007)

    Consulting should never have been allowed to stray from its original meaning, which was, a true expert in a particular field who has decided to move around to apply that expertise across a large range of customers.

    I agree, but "expert" is quite often somewhat misunderstood.

    Customers pay for results, not style. I've worked with plenty of consultants whose knowledge of an application (such as SQL Server) is way better than mine, but who wouldn't (and haven't) recognise a good or bad business process if it kicked them in the teeth. They're certainly experts in their chosen field, but no use to me.

    Unpreparedness for the task at hand is obviously a bad thing, but to be prepared you need to know what you're facing and failing to understand what the task at hand actually entails is not so rare a problem as might be expected.

    Semper in excretia, sumus solum profundum variat

  • Consulting in IT today is really just a euphanism for "temporary labor"; it bears little resemblance to true business consulting (other than the high fees for service and placement alike). Calling it consulting rather than temping gives it the white collar sheen of a professional role, which additionally may have tax benefits in certain circumstances.

    [Even if there are consultants which are true experts out there, in the business consulting mold -- and there are! -- the race to the bottom in entry into this market (a problem of information asymetry, the subject of the 2001 Econ Nobel) has tarnished the perception into temp labor for virtually the entire field.]

    The evolution of consulting in IT is interesting:

    - In the beginning, companies rented software packages with the vendor (big computer co) supplying installation/service/customization

    - Then smaller companies started competing in software, and the model slowly transitioned to selling (as opposed to renting) software

    - Then companies started bringing some of the service and customization work internally

    - Companies started developing their own custom software systems

    - Companies started outsourcing development of custom software on a project-payment basis

    - To counter the loss of control of outsourcing, companies started hiring project-oriented temp labor for in-sourced development

    - Off-shore development offered lower costs with more control than the on-shore outsourced approach, and with lower risks (someone else to blame) than the internal temp labor approach

    All just different ways to attack the problem, which is that the world still doesn't understand how to reliably produce large-scale custom software.... Of course, all of these will continue to co-exist, though the volumes may change dramatically with new development technologies.

    The End.

  • I once started a job for ICB Consulting in Denver and was told on Monday (my first day) that I was heading to Houston on Wednesday to do some Crystal Reports consulting. When I reminded my boss that during the interview I had made it clear that I had zero experience with Crystal Reports he told me to review training materials for the next few days and head out there.

    Needless to say I was out of there within a few montsh and thought it was grossly unethical to charge people who had more experience with the product expert rates for me to be there. Luckily I was asked by a good client to become their DBA shortly thereafter so it worked out OK for me.

  • I am split on this because of a gig I am working right now outside of my fulltime employement. The software and database eliments they want I can readily see and can build in a matter of weeks most likely. The issue I have is the hardware they need me to interface with. Up front I exaplined to them the biggest issue I see to overcome is interfacing with the hardware which they understand. But in this case I won't split any cost out for the learning curve as the hardware in question is an in-house product the designed and built. So far they use hyperterminal to get the data from the hardware they need (anyone know a way to incorporate hyperterminal like process in C# software to do this task, this is my first thought) and they have VB software to actually run the start and stop processes of the hardware (I am looking at the source code for clues to maybe how I can do) but so far they don't have an SDK. I think the key is you have to be upfront about where you see key issues that may hinder developement and as long as the client is aware they can decide if you can meet their goals or want to look elsewhere. Always set expectations up front. But watch out and be prepared to say no when they ask you to do something outside of the original agreement.

  • I think it all really comes down to - what is the business trying to "purchase"? In the days of yore when consultant = high-level expert, the relative COST they would incur for said consultant was quite a bit higher than what you might expect to see today.

    It's unfortunate that the temporary worker group of people got lumped into the consultant category. But then again - every time Sprint screws up my cell phone bill, I end up talking to a customer service "consultant", so it sounds like the term went to the dogs long.

    The expectations and the competency fit should be clear - no doubt about that. If need be - deal with the amount of "research time" up front, in the contract. On the other hand - most consulting gigs I've been on involved walking in and making sense of a mess before the real issue was even discovered, so tying my hands behind my back by telling me no research would IMO be a vastly stupid thing to do.

    It's a matter of degree like most things: walking in entirely clueless would be a problem, but looking up the sequence for setting up a VPN tunnel from a command line in a PIX firewall wouldn't be all that unreasonable.

    After all - the business is paying for the result, NOT necessarily the method. You can't have the same "command and control" over a consultant as you do over an employee, otherwise they ARE an employee, and you WILL get sued for trying to skirt the law (US law here - can't say I know how it works elsewhere).

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • majorbloodnock (11/9/2007)

    What I do believe to be fundamental to the requirements of a consultant, though, is that they can and do ask, correctly interpret, then deliver the solution for the question, "what are you trying to achieve?".

    I think that is as solid an answer as you can get. Consultants should be experts at problem solving but not necessarily at any specific skill, though some level of experience is at least a minimal requirement. If you want a specific skillset, you're probably wanting a contractor and should stay away from consultants. 🙂

    I know as I was one of those straight-from-college consultants. Thing is, I was baffled that I could get hired as a consultant easier than I could get into an entry-level position and get paid more for it. I'd have preferred to work for a company before working as a consultant, as I agree with Steve that consultants really should be those that have experience in their field before asserting they can come in and fix your problems.

    The reason we are at this point today is that most companies want people with experience. Well, that doesn't describe most job seekers today. So companies hire consultants and contractors, who in turn really just need warm bodies who show an aptitude (on paper) for learning quickly. So now the college grads get their experience consulting for the companies that didn't want them. It's totally backwards.

  • I believe the word "Consultant" is too broadly used in the IT industry. Many people advertised as "consultants" are actually contractors.

    My belief is that a contractor is one who performs a job for you that you don't have time to do for yourself. The company knows what they need, and they hire a contractor to perform the work. I as a Sr DBA, request contractors to assist me in managing > 400 SQL Servers.

    In my belief, a consultant uses their expertise to assist a company in determining what to do and how to do it. The consultant then assists with the implementation.

    I don't believe anyone with < 5 years experience (that's generous...I prefer 10 years) can qualify as a constultant. They should be marketed as contractors. This is especially true in todays IT world where IT tasks are partitioned out and it is difficult for a person new to the industry to grasp all there is to know. In the past, a relatively small group of people were responsible for everything. Hardware, OS, networking, databases, development, IIS and administration. Today, separate groups are involved which limits an individuals exposure to the varied technologies.

  • I think, like Sir Slicendice, that "consulting" carries multiple meanings today, from "expert" to "temp labor" to "outsourcing" to "just of of college and can't find full-time job".

    The bottom line is that whoever is doing whatever should be totally upfront and honest about their abilities and let the customer decide if that meets their needs. If they need an expert or if they need someone who can learn what needs to be done, because they can't afford to have their own people learn that - maybe one-time task, so be it. For a company (no matter how big) to send someone who is not capable of doing the job to meet the customer's needs IS unethical.

    Like others above, if I have to spend time researching something, I may not charge for that time at all, if I feel it is something I should have known but didn't, or I may charge a lower hourly or split the hours because it is something above and beyond what the original work called for.

  • Janet, you hit the nail on the head - "contractor" really explains it well.

  • I, too, like Sharon's quote:

    Consulting should never have been allowed to stray from its original meaning

    I try to point out that that I'm a software contractor. I deal in custom software just like the bloke that builds you a corner kitchen hutch. It fits your nooks and crannies.

    Even so, I get asked to assist our customers in developing policies and procedures. I act as a consultant in that regard. I'm up front that I'm a non-degreed professional. Over the years I've gained a reputation for being ehtical.

    Yoiu all have probably seen my previous posts and know that It bi... er yell and scream about ethics in software. Actually the lack thereof.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • I've been contracting/consulting for over 10 years, and the issue Steve raises is a fairly common one in my experience. It is not at all unusual that some technical skills or requirements for a given project are not covered or mentioned in the screening/interview process, but 'emerge' shortly after an engagement/contract commences. Sometimes it just didn't get talked about, and sometimes the situation changes. That's all SOP, imo. During the interview(s) I usually tell prospective clients that if something comes up that I should know but do not or am 'rusty' with, then I will get up to speed on that on my own time at no cost to the client. I also tell them that if something comes up completely out of 'left field' and is beyond the scope of what was discussed in the interviews, then my getting up to speed on something like that is fully billable to the client. And, of course, I let the client know about these things as soon as they surface.

    I think most consulting/contracting engagements require some degree of 'stretching' one's skills because every client situation is different. Clients usually understand that part of what they are getting when they contract out for services is someone who is competent at learning new things as well as someone with a solid foundation of skills.

  • Having been on both sides of the "consultant" question here's my 2 cents.

    I'd like to meet the person(s) who know everything walking into a project. However when paying large sums of $'s a client should expect a very fast analysis and resolution. A really good consultant knows what they don't know, and knows where to find it - fast. That's worth a lot.

    Have unfortunately (and still am) deal with big buck blow hards. They really get me. Talk great, know how to tell administrators what they want to hear, charge them for it, and deliver squat!. Leaving the resolutions to existing staff that get no credit, but have a problem in they have good work ethics.

    Only really good consultant I've come across in the last 10 years (OK everyone don't kill me) was Microsoft's support. Had an huge Exchange server upgrade problem that they spent about 100 hours on and did come up with a resolution and only charged me the $90 fee. They knew it was their product and took responsibility for it. They worked on it, multiple people for about a week solid.

    Back in my consultant days for small retail businesses, found too many that wanted it to work a certain way but didn't want to spend the $ to make that happen. Learned fast to walk away from those situations.

    Top level professional consultants are too rare. Pulling in any functional resource to get the job done correctly is OK as long as they/we are up front to the client about it.


  • Very interesting comments and thanks for the debate.

    If the company doesn't ask about some skills or change the reason they hired you, then I think it's fair that you wouldn't reduce their rate.

    As far as Antares, his long hair makes him look like the expert, and they probably love that. Especially when working with strange hardware 😀

    No one will know everything and they'll definitely need to get up to speed, but it shouldn't be with learning basics about the technology. It should be adapating the technology to work with the business rules.

    It's hard to put a time frame on it, but really you can't be an expert without years of experience. Maybe 2, maybe 10, but not right out of college.

    It seems it's mostly that we've "upgraded" our titles to consultant when we're really temp, contractor, fill-in staff, data monkey or some other position besides expert. Acutally it's probably the fault of the companiues that pimp us out

  • I have to agree with the contractor vs. consultant ideas posted earlier. We've hired far too many "consultants" who were supposed to help us out of a tight spot by bringing in their technical knowledge. They then proceeded to teach themselves the technology on our dime. This hurt several of our projects quite a bit because we didn't have a better alternative at the time and had invested enough by the time we discovered the lack of knowledge that it made even less sense to start over again.

    I don't mind consulting/contracting but am very honest about strengths and weaknesses in regards to what the client works. If they want me to do something outside of my knowledge, I'll let them know that they may want someone else to handle it rather than waiting for me to come up to speed on whatever it is they want me to do. (Of course, this doesn't apply to business processes - I can't imagine walking into most jobs knowing those.)

    Of course, now we concentrate on testing someone's knowledge before we waste a lot of time on them - tech interviews, small projects to complete before we offer them a job, etc. Nothing hard, but something that shows they can do what's needed without a lot of hand-holding.

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