
  • Hugo Kornelis (9/11/2013)

    And to all people who think they need to post to "get their point back" - rubbish! Points are never subtracted for giving an incorrect reply. You didn't lose anything.

    (And even if you post a million posts, you still don't get extra points for the "Question of the Day" category).

    I am still waiting for the day Steve finally comes to his senses and gets rid of the points system. (Though the idea to subtract points for posting useless rubbish does have a nice ring to it).

    Points make it fun 😀

    Most days. Today, not so much.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (9/11/2013)

    Hugo Kornelis (9/11/2013)

    And to all people who think they need to post to "get their point back" - rubbish! Points are never subtracted for giving an incorrect reply. You didn't lose anything.

    (And even if you post a million posts, you still don't get extra points for the "Question of the Day" category).

    I am still waiting for the day Steve finally comes to his senses and gets rid of the points system. (Though the idea to subtract points for posting useless rubbish does have a nice ring to it).

    Points make it fun 😀

    Most days. Today, not so much.

    Ha ha - thanks Steve - you're a true trouper.

    Perhaps you can take this whole thread and post it as a Humor question. 🙂



    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"
    Ref.: http://tkyte.blogspot.com/2009/02/sql-joke.html

  • WOW! If you calculate the value of 1 point as the combined hourly rate of all the people who have posted about this question, SQL Server Central should probably go public, and Gail would have more net worth than Bill Gates.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Primo Dang (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    isaquedejair (9/11/2013)

    Discordo do resultado ser "2", pelo fato de que no momento de gerar o insert ocorre um erro

    "String or binary data would be truncated.", o ultimo nome 'Steppenwolf' excede 10 caracteres

    É galego ou Ă© portuguĂ©s?

    Nenhum dos dois, Ă© portuguĂȘs. ;]

    Ai. Obrigado por responder. Eu nĂŁo know o portuguĂȘs nada e meu galego Ă© bem terrĂ­vel, and so eu nĂŁo pudesse contar seu portuguĂȘs de galego. Era muito fĂĄcil entender, entretanto - eu desejo que eu pudesse escrever ingles so well que se entendeu por um nĂŁo-orador de inglĂȘs.


  • David Webb-CDS (9/11/2013)

    WOW! If you calculate the value of 1 point as the combined hourly rate of all the people who have posted about this question, SQL Server Central should probably go public, and Gail would have more net worth than Bill Gates.

    No, she would not, not even remotely, at $150 per hour. She would still be a rounding error on his balance sheet.

  • L' Eomot InversĂ© (9/11/2013)

    Primo Dang (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    isaquedejair (9/11/2013)

    Discordo do resultado ser "2", pelo fato de que no momento de gerar o insert ocorre um erro

    "String or binary data would be truncated.", o ultimo nome 'Steppenwolf' excede 10 caracteres

    É galego ou Ă© portuguĂ©s?

    Nenhum dos dois, Ă© portuguĂȘs. ;]

    Ai. Obrigado por responder. Eu nĂŁo know o portuguĂȘs nada e meu galego Ă© bem terrĂ­vel, and so eu nĂŁo pudesse contar seu portuguĂȘs de galego. Era muito fĂĄcil entender, entretanto - eu desejo que eu pudesse escrever ingles so well que se entendeu por um nĂŁo-orador de inglĂȘs.

    I have been told there are only two languages - English and profanity. I understand you are not speaking English. 😉

  • Hugo Kornelis (9/11/2013)

    Hany Helmy (9/11/2013)

    I am really amazed of the 16 people (as of now) who got it right! :w00t:

    Hope one of them will post a reply explaining how he got the result without throwing an error.

    Very easy. Just answer the question the way it is intended: by looking at the code and not copy/paste-ing it.

    I saw the subject of the question, saw the question, and concentrated on the wildcards in the LIKE. I never checked the data types of the table.

    (Yes, I only answered after the question was already corrected. But that was irrelevant to me - I had completely not looked at the data types anyway).

    Come on Hugo, that's just pain silly, why would anyone have looked at the lengths of the data when the type was varchar(50). Those of us who saw it before the question saw 1o, not 50, and if we were awake noticed that one of the strings was about on that limit, so counted it just in case. If everyone had seen 50, no-one would have counted; indeed I'm extremely sure that if everyone had seen 20, or even 16, no-one would have counted. You can't challenge people for counting when there's obviously a very close fit or non=fit, any more than I will blame you for not counting when it's as clear as day that the data fits in the space available, with no counting needed.

    And to all people who think they need to post to "get their point back" - rubbish! Points are never subtracted for giving an incorrect reply. You didn't lose anything.

    I couldn't agree more. The points are irrelevant, the fun is relevant and do (sometimes) is the learning opportunity.

    I am still waiting for the day Steve finally comes to his senses and gets rid of the points system.

    I'll be surprised if it happens; but perhaps it would be a good thing if it did.

    So it does, at first sight; but then you have to ask who decides what is useless rubbish. Is it useless rubbish when I challenge Steve over his question last Thursday (after the release-related correction) because I believe the current wording tends to promote a silly myth, and want him to change it? If not, how do you determine that someone else's comments are indeed useless rubbish? If so, do you ever determine that any comment is useless rubbish? Of course you can ask abou whether a comment adds anything now to the discussion; but I'm not adding anything new when I repeat something I've already said to Steve, am I? My argument has to be that by repetition I am trying to protect those who might otherwise be misled - but Steve's argument is that his words were not misleading. who will you appoint to say which of us has a valid argument - and if whoever you appoints decides I am wrong or that Steve is wrong) who takes the blame when someone is misled either by the original or by the correction? That "nice ring" is the noise created by an easy, sure to be unworkable, and probably dangerous way out of accepting responsibility.


  • Revenant (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    Primo Dang (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    isaquedejair (9/11/2013)

    Discordo do resultado ser "2", pelo fato de que no momento de gerar o insert ocorre um erro

    "String or binary data would be truncated.", o ultimo nome 'Steppenwolf' excede 10 caracteres

    É galego ou Ă© portuguĂ©s?

    Nenhum dos dois, Ă© portuguĂȘs. ;]

    Ai. Obrigado por responder. Eu nĂŁo know o portuguĂȘs nada e meu galego Ă© bem terrĂ­vel, and so eu nĂŁo pudesse contar seu portuguĂȘs de galego. Era muito fĂĄcil entender, entretanto - eu desejo que eu pudesse escrever ingles so well que se entendeu por um nĂŁo-orador de inglĂȘs.

    I have been told there are only two languages - English and profanity. I understand you are not speaking English. 😉

    I can't detect any profanity - so I guess primo Dang and I must have been writing English. :w00t:. I though we were writing in Galician and in Portuguese, but ...

    However, my Galician (almost non-existent) is probably pretty hard for him to understand, even though I have tried to switch to Portuguese orthography and may have succeeded for about as many words as I stuck to English for. And his Portuguese is a pretty hard for me because I've never learnt any Portuguese at all. WTF does "Nenhum" mean, for example? I've never heard it in Galician. (Just to avoid confusion, about a millennium ago Gallego was the language of the west and much of the north of Iberia; two modern languages have descended from it; Galician (which has kept the name) and Portuguese. Portuguese changed the name of the language because it wanted to make clear a distinction from any language spoken in Spain; in effect Galician is the language descended from medieval Gallego amongst the people who accepted rule by Central and North Eastern Spain.; Portuguese is the language descended from medieval Gallego amongst people who rejected subordination to Central and North Eastern Spain (and formed a separate country, Portugal).


  • L' Eomot InversĂ© (9/11/2013)

    Revenant (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    Primo Dang (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    isaquedejair (9/11/2013)

    Discordo do resultado ser "2", pelo fato de que no momento de gerar o insert ocorre um erro

    "String or binary data would be truncated.", o ultimo nome 'Steppenwolf' excede 10 caracteres

    É galego ou Ă© portuguĂ©s?

    Nenhum dos dois, Ă© portuguĂȘs. ;]

    Ai. Obrigado por responder. Eu nĂŁo know o portuguĂȘs nada e meu galego Ă© bem terrĂ­vel, and so eu nĂŁo pudesse contar seu portuguĂȘs de galego. Era muito fĂĄcil entender, entretanto - eu desejo que eu pudesse escrever ingles so well que se entendeu por um nĂŁo-orador de inglĂȘs.

    I have been told there are only two languages - English and profanity. I understand you are not speaking English. 😉

    I can't detect any profanity - so I guess primo Dang and I must have been writing English. :w00t:. I though we were writing in Galician and in Portuguese, but ...

    However, my Galician (almost non-existent) is probably pretty hard for him to understand, even though I have tried to switch to Portuguese orthography and may have succeeded for about as many words as I stuck to English for. And his Portuguese is a pretty hard for me because I've never learnt any Portuguese at all. WTF does "Nenhum" mean, for example? I've never heard it in Galician. (Just to avoid confusion, about a millennium ago Gallego was the language of the west and much of the north of Iberia; two modern languages have descended from it; Galician (which has kept the name) and Portuguese. Portuguese changed the name of the language because it wanted to make clear a distinction from any language spoken in Spain; in effect Galician is the language descended from medieval Gallego amongst the people who accepted rule by Central and North Eastern Spain.; Portuguese is the language descended from medieval Gallego amongst people who rejected subordination to Central and North Eastern Spain (and formed a separate country, Portugal).

    I had no idea about the history of the Portuguese language, thanks for that. =]

    Anyway, "nenhum" means "none" (although in the particular context where I employed it, it would be better translated to "neither", as is "neither of the two").

  • Primo Dang (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    Revenant (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    Primo Dang (9/11/2013)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/11/2013)

    isaquedejair (9/11/2013)

    Discordo do resultado ser "2", pelo fato de que no momento de gerar o insert ocorre um erro

    "String or binary data would be truncated.", o ultimo nome 'Steppenwolf' excede 10 caracteres

    É galego ou Ă© portuguĂ©s?

    Nenhum dos dois, Ă© portuguĂȘs. ;]

    Ai. Obrigado por responder. Eu nĂŁo know o portuguĂȘs nada e meu galego Ă© bem terrĂ­vel, and so eu nĂŁo pudesse contar seu portuguĂȘs de galego. Era muito fĂĄcil entender, entretanto - eu desejo que eu pudesse escrever ingles so well que se entendeu por um nĂŁo-orador de inglĂȘs.

    I have been told there are only two languages - English and profanity. I understand you are not speaking English. 😉

    I can't detect any profanity - so I guess primo Dang and I must have been writing English. :w00t:. I though we were writing in Galician and in Portuguese, but ...

    However, my Galician (almost non-existent) is probably pretty hard for him to understand, even though I have tried to switch to Portuguese orthography and may have succeeded for about as many words as I stuck to English for. And his Portuguese is a pretty hard for me because I've never learnt any Portuguese at all. WTF does "Nenhum" mean, for example? I've never heard it in Galician. (Just to avoid confusion, about a millennium ago Gallego was the language of the west and much of the north of Iberia; two modern languages have descended from it; Galician (which has kept the name) and Portuguese. Portuguese changed the name of the language because it wanted to make clear a distinction from any language spoken in Spain; in effect Galician is the language descended from medieval Gallego amongst the people who accepted rule by Central and North Eastern Spain.; Portuguese is the language descended from medieval Gallego amongst people who rejected subordination to Central and North Eastern Spain (and formed a separate country, Portugal).

    I had no idea about the history of the Portuguese language, thanks for that. =]

    Anyway, "nenhum" means "none" (although in the particular context where I employed it, it would be better translated to "neither", as is "neither of the two").

    My hat tip to anyone who is able to meaningfully participate in this conversation. I am fluent in only six languages and I can read about three more, but I am out of my depth on this one.

    (Icon for a hat tip sorely missing. Steve?)

  • I know - the super-secret option Ignore Truncation was set:w00t:

  • I don't care what the right answer is, but it's nice to know what the [^p] does in the statement. 😛

  • Hugo Kornelis (9/11/2013)

    Hany Helmy (9/11/2013)

    I am really amazed of the 16 people (as of now) who got it right! :w00t:

    And to all people who think they need to post to "get their point back" - rubbish! Points are never subtracted for giving an incorrect reply. You didn't lose anything.

    (And even if you post a million posts, you still don't get extra points for the "Question of the Day" category).

    I am still waiting for the day Steve finally comes to his senses and gets rid of the points system. (Though the idea to subtract points for posting useless rubbish does have a nice ring to it).

    Totally agree with you..

  • L' Eomot InversĂ© (9/11/2013)

    Hugo Kornelis (9/11/2013)

    Hany Helmy (9/11/2013)

    I am really amazed of the 16 people (as of now) who got it right! :w00t:

    Hope one of them will post a reply explaining how he got the result without throwing an error.

    Very easy. Just answer the question the way it is intended: by looking at the code and not copy/paste-ing it.

    I saw the subject of the question, saw the question, and concentrated on the wildcards in the LIKE. I never checked the data types of the table.

    (Yes, I only answered after the question was already corrected. But that was irrelevant to me - I had completely not looked at the data types anyway).

    Come on Hugo, that's just pain silly, why would anyone have looked at the lengths of the data when the type was varchar(50).

    It would be silly if I had actually written that. I haven't. What I wrote, multiple times in a (for me) short message, is that I had not looked at the data type.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog: https://sqlserverfast.com/blog/
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference: https://sqlserverfast.com/epr/

  • Hugo Kornelis (9/12/2013)[h]

    It would be silly if I had actually written that. I haven't. What I wrote, multiple times in a (for me) short message, is that I had not looked at the data type.

    Arrgh, sloppy reading by me :blush:.

    I guess that when you said you looked at the code I thought that the data declarations were part of the code and so subconsciously decided to misread the next bit because if I didn't I would be reading a contradiction.


Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 145 total)

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