Will applying SP4 cause any problems with SPs?

  • We've got 2 database servers (we're a small shop, obviously), one for test and the other for production. What I normally do, when changing something like a stored procedure's schema, is copy the code from one to the other. The test database server is at SQL 2005 SP4, but the production DB is SQL 2005 SP2. Some months ago I modified a SP in the production server, and decided to copy the code to the test server. However, when I copied the code over and tried to execute it to apply the changes, it failed. There was a syntax error which SQL 2005 SP2 didn't have any problems with, but SQL 2005 SP4 didn't like at all. (I can't remember what it was now.) I modified the code on the test server, and replicated it back to the production server.

    Anyway, this weekend I'd like to apply SP4 to SQL 2005, but I'm wondering, what if there's other SP's on the production server, whose syntax may cause a problem? Will the attempt to apply SP4 fail? If not, will the SP's that caused the error not work?

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Rod, please make sure that you install SP4 on a test box and after proper testing install it on the Production system. Like I mentioned in one of my earlier responses, make sure to have good backups.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Blog: sqldbadiaries.com
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • I did put it on a test box, some months ago. It's worked fine there ever since.

    And this past weekend I installed it on our production database server. It appears to be working fine.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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