will deleting and restoring database will it improve perfomance?

  • my stored procedures are running very slow, probably using wrong execution plans,

    there are 100s of tables

    if i take backup and then delete the database will it improve perfomance?

    since the table will reindex

    is it correct?

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    *Sukhoi*[font="Arial Narrow"][/font]

  • sukhoi971,

    If you just want to rebuild indexes then you could use this script. This is the simplest version to do this. There are few others complex script which are based on index fragmentation and based on certain level of fragmentation, doing reorganize OR rebuilt.

    -- Please change the schema and table name according to your objects.

    select 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON '+table_schema+'.'+table_name +' REBUILD;'




    table_type = 'BASE TABLE'


    table_schema in ('dbo','scham1')


    table_name like 'tbl_%'

    You could also use profiler to identify sps with longest duration, to narrow down the problem.

    Backup and Dropping database can never be a option for production database, but depends if you could afford this.

    So what do you think?


  • sukhoi971 (5/18/2012)

    my stored procedures are running very slow, probably using wrong execution plans,

    there are 100s of tables

    if i take backup and then delete the database will it improve perfomance?

    since the table will reindex

    is it correct?

    No. It's not correct. Database backup/restore does not reindex. So, don't try that.

    Please update the statistics and recompile the stored procedures. It might fix wrong execution plans.

  • Backup and restore does not rebuild indexes. The only way it may help is by reducing physical fragmentation, but, conversely, it may also increase it. My advice would be not to do it. If you suspect physical fragmentation, use OS level tools to diagnose and fix it. Otherwise, concentrate on indexes and statistics first of all, and make sure your code is optimal. You'll also want to monitor disk, network, processor and memory in case they are causing a bottleneck.


  • sukhoi971 (5/18/2012)

    my stored procedures are running very slow, probably using wrong execution plans,

    there are 100s of tables

    if i take backup and then delete the database will it improve perfomance?

    since the table will reindex

    is it correct?

    Good gosh no!

    The best thing you'd get out of this is a complete recompile on all stored procedures, but you can get that by running DBCC freeproccache(). Although, I don't recommend running that in a production environment. Instead, understand why you're getting poor performance. What's the cause?

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • No, not at all, that's more likely to degrade performance as it flushes the plan and data cache and will require them to be repopulated entirely. That restore will result in downtime during the restore and higher CPU and IO afterwards.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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  • sukhoi971 (5/18/2012)

    my stored procedures are running very slow...

    Were they ever actually running fast with the amount of data you currently have?

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