Windows 10 Home connecting to SQL Server 2017

  • Hello, I have SQL Server 2017 running on a Windows Server 2016 (all running on esxi 6.7).  I'm running windows 10 Home edition as my client on my laptop.  Unfortunately it seems the Home edition will not allow me to connect to a domain.  I want my laptop client to run Management Studio and connect to the sql instance on the server.  Is there any way to make this work?

    As a work around I have turned on SQL Server Authentication on the Security Page.  On the Connections  Page I have made sure Allow remote  Connections is turned on.  I can connect with the user I created (sa2) from Mgt Studio on the server with SQL Authentication.  But when running Management Studio on my laptop I can not.  I try to browse for the SQL server but can't find it (I can ping the windows server by hostname).  I manually type in "win5" for the server name and "sa2" and the password.  I attached a screen print of the Error - "Can not connect to win5 - A network related or instance specific error occurred while ....   The server wan not found or accessible. "  I've been doing a lot of UNIX stuff so I am a little out of touch here.  Any ideas on how I can get this Windows 10 Home client connected to the SQL server - windows auth and SQL auth?  Also is there way to kind of ping the SQL instance just to make sure I can get to it?  Thanks

  • You won't be able to use Windows Authentication to connect to a SQL Server INStance on a different host unless you in a domain; like you said Windows Home Edition doesn't support domains, so you would need to upgrade to professional (and connect to a domain) or use SQL Server Authentication.

    As for your error, there are 100's of reasons why you could be getting that error. Can you see the connection attempt in the SQL Server's logs? If so, what's the error? If not, can you ping the SQL Server from the PC? If not, it's a network issue. If yes, does the instance allow remote connections? If it's a named instance, and/or not running on the default port (1433), are you running the Browser and/or specifying the name & port in your connection string?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • From my laptop I can ping the server by ip or by hostname.  Running SS Cofnig Mgr on server I could see that Named Pipes and TCP/IP  Protocols were disabled (I just enabled).  I could see that the SQL Server Browser service was disabled (I just enabled).  If I run xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, N'Server is listening on'  it shows that "Server is listening on :1434.  Should port 1433 figure in here somehow?  I installed 2016 standard edition eval server without any changes.  It looks like there are no firewall rules in place.  I don't see anything in the SQL errorlog when I try to connect.  The laptop client just gets the error that I attached earlier.

    Any ideas?  This SQL Authentication has me totally stumped?

  • If you can't ser the attempt, this strongly suggest that the connection attempt never reached the server. Have you tried connecting again after the browser has been enabled?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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