Windows authentication flakey

  • On several occasions now I have had a Windows account suddenly lose login priveleges to the SQL sever, despite no changes to the SQL server.  The account/login is still there, but it can't login.  I supect that our domain admins fiddled with the account somehow, causing it to lose its tie to the SQL Login.  In two cases, dropping the login and readding it, along will all database access and permission, fixed the problem, but I'm not too keen on doing that every day.  I have always been told that Integrated Security is the way to go, but this kind of problem will kill that initiative real quick!  Has anyboey else experience this kind of problem?
  • if a backup of a database was created on SERVER A, and Restored on SERVER B, you would find that behavior...all users in the db are "orphaned";

    i'd guess that if someone keeps re-restoring the db in question, that that is what you are seeing.that's  what you are seeing.

    BOB on SERVER A is not necessarily BOB on server B. dropping and re-adding BOB establishes the tie from localdatabase..sysusers to master..syslogins again.

    syslogins has a unique SID that is used to determine who BOB really is.


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