Without dynamic SQL, Top X Query

  • Atiq,

    I don't understand your technique.  Does "x" in the subquery mean a parameter?  I tried running this on pubs, and as expected it failed.

    declare @int int

    select @int = 10

    select top 10 *

    from dbo.authors

    Where au_id not in ( select top @int au_id from dbo.authors )

    Signature is NULL

  • Calvin Lawson,

    Here is the example:

    select top 5 * from dbo.authors Where au_id not in (select top 0 au_id from dbo.authors order by au_id)

    select top 5 * from dbo.authors Where au_id not in (select top 5 au_id from dbo.authors order by au_id)


  • Atiq,

    Thanks for expaining that.  It wasn't clear to me, either. 

    You haven't found a way to make the '5' variable, have you?

  • Ok I am late to the scene, and not sure if my input will be useful to this user, or perhaps others. This is however something that I recently addressed and it works well, eliminating the performance hits that are mentioned in this thread.  I will paste some of my SP here, and add comment lines in places to describe what I have done. If anyone has a way that performs better I am all ears as I would like to increase performance anyway I can. So far however this SP (which is just being finished up) seems to do well.


    I work in the telecommunications industry and this SP (which is undergoing some change right now to accommodate XML input) is designed to return a list of available phone numbers from inventory, based upon several rules. One of the parameters is to return the top X rows matching the business rules.  There is a default set and the query source can specify their own number. One of the problems that I ran into was that if the ToP X was specified as a higher number than the return set could result in then performance went down the drain big time; this too has been addressed; so on with the SP:




    --  Moving INPUT to XML Format


      @xmlDocument varchar(8000)

     ,@MSGID varchar (10) OUTPUT


     /*-- Starting Here comment out individual Parameters; moving to XML input


      @PartnerID AS int,

      @NPANXX AS varchar ( 6 ),

      @rcabbrev AS varchar ( 10 ),

      @state AS varchar ( 2 ),

      @Top AS int = 10,

      @EndWith AS varchar ( 4 ) = '%', --  @EndWithL Future Deployment

      @EndWithL AS int = '',  --  @EndWithL    Future Deployment, not yet in use

      @did AS varchar ( 25 ) = '',

      @bunit1 AS varchar ( 10 ) = 'any',

      @bunit2 AS varchar ( 10 ) = '',

      @bunit3 AS varchar ( 10 ) = ''





    --BEGIN -- DECLARE Environment Variables

    DECLARE   @TotalAvail AS int

      ,@MSGLen int

      ,@UniqueID1 as uniqueidentifier

      ,@UniqueID2 as uniqueidentifier

      ,@PartnerID AS int

      ,@SubReqID as int  -- This value is passed in with the request. If multiple Rate Center / State combos are requested then this identified each sub part of the request

      ,@NPANXX AS varchar ( 6 )

      ,@rcabbrev AS varchar (20)

      ,@state AS varchar (2)

      ,@TopCount AS int

      ,@EndWith AS varchar (4)

      ,@EndWithL AS int

      ,@did AS varchar (25)

      ,@bunit1 AS varchar (10)

      ,@bunit2 AS varchar (10)

      ,@bunit3 AS varchar (10)

      ,@ReqSourceLogin as varchar(50)  -- The ID of the person logged in at the request side, placing the order or request.

      ,@idoc int

      ,@Specified as bit


    --BEGIN -- SET Default Variables

      SET @TotalAvail = 0

      SET @Specified = 0

      SET @MSGLen = 10

      SET @UniqueID1 = (newid())

      SET @UniqueID2 = (newid())

      SET @MSGID = dbo.CreateMSGID (@MSGLen, @UniqueID1, @UniqueID2)


    /* - SET Debug Variable values

    --BEGIN -- SET Debug Data Set

    --SET @EndWithL = LEN(@EndWith)

    -- Need to add logic that will limit result set to Allocation Units that the source has access to.

    -- Need to add logic to limite output to include on Business Units that are valid for source

    --Test Data

    --SET  @NPANXX = '201'

    --SET  @rcabbrev = 'UNION'

    --SET  @state = 'NJ'

    --SET  @BUnit1 = 'any'

    --SET  @did = ''--'212678'

    --SET @TopCount = 500

    --SET @PartnerID = 1234

    --SET @EndWith = '347'  -- Do not use, performance issues

    -- XML Input example used in test execution

    <CGetAvailDID PartnerID = "000000" ReqSourceLogin = "jwilliams">

    <ReqDetail SubReqID = "1" NPANXX = "201" rcabbrev = "Union" State = "NJ" Top= "2" DID = "" bunit1 = "Any" bunit2 = "" bunit3 = ""/>

    <ReqDetail SubReqID = "2" NPANXX = "216" rcabbrev = "Cleveand" State = "OH" Top= "5" DID = "" bunit1 = "Any" bunit2 = "" bunit3 = ""/>



    DECLARE @DetailTable TABLE

    (  MSGID  varchar (10)

     ,SubReqID  int

     ,NPANXX  varchar (6)

     ,rcabbrev  varchar (20)

     ,state  varchar (2)

     ,TopCount  int

     ,TotalAvail int

     ,bunit1  varchar (10)

     ,bunit2  varchar (10)

     ,bunit3  varchar (10)



    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @xmlDocument


    INSERT INTO DIDRequestHeader

       (MSGID, PartnerID, ReqSourceLogin)

    SELECT    @MSGID , PartnerID, ReqSourceLogin

    FROM       OPENXML (@idoc, 'CGetAvailDID' ,1)

    WITH     ( 

           PartnerID int '@PartnerID'

                ,ReqSourceLogin varchar(50) '@ReqSourceLogin'







    BEGIN -- SET Default Values for Variables Not passed in

    IF @BUnit1 IS NULL


     @BUnit1 = 'Any'



     @NPANXX = ''

    IF @RCAbbrev IS NULL


     @RCAbbrev = ''

    IF @State IS NULL


     @state = ''

    IF @EndWith IS NULL


     @EndWith = ''

    IF @EndWIthL IS NULL


     @EndWithL = 10


     @EndWithL = LEN






      @did = ''

      Or @DID IS NULL



    BEGIN -- Check to see if a specific DID was passed in

    if(@did = '' or @DID is null)


      SELECT -- SELECT (Determine quantity available that matches query criteria)

    -- NOTE FOR FORUM POST: This is where I am determining the MAX Count available for this query. This will be used to determine if the requested quantity exceeds the available quantity.

       @TotalAvail = count ( * )


       lerg_6_tek_orig AS l6

        INNER JOIN

       didinv AS inv



       (inv.did,6) = l6.npanxx JOIN

       L_DIDStatus s

         ON s.statusid = inv.statusid

         And s.Available = 1 JOIN

       bunit AS bu

         ON bu.bunitid = inv.bunit JOIN

       Entity AS e

         ON e.PartnerID = @PartnerID JOIN

       EntityAllocation AS ea

         ON ea.EntityID = e.EntityID

         And ea.AllocationID = inv.AllocationID


       l6.NPANXX Like


        @NPANXX + '%'


      And rc_abbre Like


        @rcabbrev + '%'


      And loc_state Like


        @state + '%'




        bu.bunit = @bunit1

        Or bu.bunit = @bunit2

        Or bu.bunit = @bunit3


      -- AND inv.DID LIKE ('%' + RIGHT (@EndWIth, @EndWIthL))

      IF -- IF (Determine if Total Available matches is < the quantity requested


        @TotalAvail < @TopCount


       BEGIN -- IF Total Available less than requested quantity then set request to total available


         ROWCOUNT @TotalAvail



       BEGIN -- IF Total Available = or > requested amount then process requested quantity


         ROWCOUNT @TopCount



       DISTINCT npanxx,






       s.status_descr AS StatusDesc,

       s.available AS Available


       lerg_6_tek_orig AS l6



    I hope this helps (IF you are still looking for a better solution, or likely if anyone else is looking for a way to handle this



    <hr noshade size=1 width=250 color=#BBC8E5> Regards,Jeffery Williams http://www.linkedin.com/in/jwilliamsoh

  • With 7 million rows of data, I'm thinking that you'll get a recompile on run anyway just due to the number of changes in the data.  So, I gotta ask, why the phobia about dynamic SQL here?  It sounds like a read-only task so I'm thinking you won't have a problem exposing the DB to an injection attack in this instance.  Dunno... maybe I'm wrong... just seems like a lot of work without much to gain.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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