Write Query Dynamic Generated Column

  • Hi All,

    I want to write a query on dynamic generated column.

    My table structure as below with some sample data:

    ID Disposition CDATE

    1 Busy 7/1/2010

    2 Ringing 7/1/2010

    3 Callback 7/1/2010

    4 Callback 7/1/2010

    5 Busy 7/2/2010

    My output should come like this:

    Disposition 20100701 20100702 20100703

    Busy 10 5 4

    Ringing 2 3 1

    Callback 1 3 4

    In Output first row CDATE will be come as date dynamically.

    Can any one suggest me a good approach to tackle this problem?




  • [font="Arial"]

    I suggest you go thru PIVOT Tables once if you have time...


    IF the dates are constant you can frame up this way

    select * from (

    select ID,Description,


    right('00'+CONVERT(nvarchar(2),day(cdate)),2) as Cdate

    from dbo.shatTest_tbl

    ) dataTable




    for cdate in ([20100701],[20100702])

    ) PivotTbl

  • Instead of using the PIVOT approach I'd recommend you read the CrossTab article referenced in my signature.

    The result of the CrossTab method is similar to the PIVOT approach with one important difference: Once you've understood the concept you can move to the next level: DynamicCrossTab (also linked in my signature). This will allow you to have both, a flexible number of columns and/or variable dates to deal with.

    An even better approach would be to leave such data formatting to the application layer (e.g. SSRS) 😉

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • -- Create Tables and Insert Values

    Create Table tmpDis (ID int Identity(1,1), Disposition VARCHAR(50),CDATE Datetime )

    insert into tmpDis (Disposition,CDATE)

    Select 'Busy','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/2/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/3/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/3/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/3/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    -- Create a procedure

    Create PROCEDURE exec uspTmpDynamicTableTry



    CREATE TABLE MasterTbl -- for columns and rows


    RowText VARCHAR(50),

    ColumnText VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT INTO MasterTbl




    SELECT Distinct tmpDis.Disposition ,convert(varchar, tmpDis.CDATE, 112)

    FROM tmpDis

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_MasterRef ON MasterTbl (RowText,ColumnText)

    CREATE TABLE ColumnsTbl --For column Header


    ColumnIndex INT IDENTITY (0, 1),

    ColumnText VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT INTO ColumnsTbl




    SELECT DISTINCT convert(varchar, tmpDis.CDATE, 112)

    FROM tmpDis

    ORDER BY convert(varchar, tmpDis.CDATE, 112)

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Columns ON ColumnsTbl (ColumnIndex, ColumnText)

    CREATE TABLE RowsTbl -- Output Table


    Disposition VARCHAR(50)






    SELECT Distinct tmpDis.Disposition

    FROM tmpDis

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Rows ON RowsTbl (Disposition)

    DECLARE @ColumnIndex INT,

    @MaxColumnIndex INT,

    @ColumnText VARCHAR(50),

    @SQLstr VARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @ColumnIndex = 0, @MaxColumnIndex = MAX(ColumnIndex) FROM ColumnsTbl

    WHILE @ColumnIndex <= @MaxColumnIndex


    SELECT @ColumnText = ColumnText

    FROM ColumnsTbl

    WHERE ColumnIndex = @ColumnIndex

    SELECT @SQLstr = 'ALTER TABLE RowsTbl ADD ' + QUOTENAME(@ColumnText) + ' VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT ''''' -- Add Rows from ColumnsTbl

    EXEC (@SQLstr)

    SELECT @SQLstr = 'UPDATE RowsTbl SET ' + QUOTENAME(@ColumnText) + ' = (Select Count(*) from tmpDis A Where convert(Decimal(8),convert(varchar, A.CDATE, 112)) = convert(Decimal(8),ColumnsTbl.ColumnText) and A.Disposition = MasterTbl.RowText Group by A.Disposition ) FROM MasterTbl , ColumnsTbl WHERE ColumnsTbl.ColumnText = MasterTbl.ColumnText and Disposition = MasterTbl.RowText AND ColumnsTbl.ColumnIndex = ' + CAST(@ColumnIndex AS VARCHAR(12))

    EXEC (@SQLstr)

    SELECT @ColumnIndex = @ColumnIndex + 1


    DROP TABLE ColumnsTbl

    DROP TABLE MasterTbl

    SELECT RowsTbl.* FROM RowsTbl

    DROP TABLE RowsTbl



    Exec uspTmpDynamicTableTry




    Disposition 20100701 20100702 20100703 20100704


    Busy 1 1 NULL 5

    Callback 2 NULL 3 NULL

    Ringing 1 NULL NULL 5

    (3 row(s) affected)

    I hope this Helps

    [font="Courier New"]-- Alban Lijo <SQL Rookie> :-)[/font]

  • @Alban Lijo

    You might want to have a look at the articles I pointed at in my previous post.

    I guess the approach described in those articles will be "slightly faster" than your current solution... 😉

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • @lmu92

    I agree with you, that approach is faster.. but I feel the approach I used is bit easy to understand.

    I personally feel that one should understand the solution and approach than finding the solution.

    That is the reason I replied with that code. 🙂

    [font="Courier New"]-- Alban Lijo <SQL Rookie> :-)[/font]

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