XML to Table

  • I have the below xml and i need it to be in sql a table :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <rts:RateMessage xmlns:rts="http://www.reuters.com/Rate" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.reuters.com/Rate.xsd ">

    <FXRates Timestamp="20141203164900" Type="Cash">

    <Rate Name="USD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.75" Sell="3.79" />

    <Rate Name="EUR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="4.60" Sell="4.64" />

    <Rate Name="GBP.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="5.87" Sell="5.91" />

    <Rate Name="CHF.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.83" Sell="3.87" />

    <Rate Name="AED.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.00" Sell="1.04" />

    <Rate Name="KWD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="12.84" Sell="12.88" />

    <Rate Name="QAR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.01" Sell="1.05" />

    <Rate Name="BHD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="9.93" Sell="9.97" />

    <Rate Name="EGP.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.50" Sell="0.54" />

    <Rate Name="TRY.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.66" Sell="1.70" />


    <FXRates Timestamp="20141203164900" Type="Transfer">

    <Rate Name="USD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.76" Sell="3.78" />

    <Rate Name="EUR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="4.61" Sell="4.63" />

    <Rate Name="CAD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.29" Sell="3.31" />

    <Rate Name="NZD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="2.91" Sell="2.93" />

    <Rate Name="HKD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.47" Sell="0.49" />

    <Rate Name="GBP.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="5.88" Sell="5.90" />

    <Rate Name="CHF.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.84" Sell="3.86" />

    <Rate Name="AUD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.15" Sell="3.17" />

    <Rate Name="JPY.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.029" Sell="0.031" />

    <Rate Name="ZAR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.32" Sell="0.34" />

    <Rate Name="AED.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.01" Sell="1.03" />

    <Rate Name="QAR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.02" Sell="1.04" />

    <Rate Name="OMR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="9.74" Sell="9.76" />

    <Rate Name="MAD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.41" Sell="0.43" />

    <Rate Name="INR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.059" Sell="0.062" />

    <Rate Name="KWD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="12.85" Sell="12.87" />

    <Rate Name="BHD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="9.94" Sell="9.96" />

    <Rate Name="EGP.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.51" Sell="0.53" />

    <Rate Name="JOD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="5.31" Sell="5.33" />

    <Rate Name="PKR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.029" Sell="0.040" />

    <Rate Name="TRY.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.67" Sell="1.69" />


    <OtherRates Timestamp="20141203164900">

    <Rate Name="XAU.USD" Type ="Metal" Last="1.66" />

    <Rate Name="XAG.USD" Type ="Metal" Last="1.66" />

    <Rate Name="WTI" Type="Brent" Last="1.45" />

    <Rate Name="SAR" Type ="IR" Last="1.0100" />

    <Rate Name="USD" Type ="IR" Last="1.0200" />

    <Rate Name="EUR" Type ="IR" Last="1.0255" />

    <Rate Name="GBP" Type ="IR" Last="1.0400" />

    <Rate Name="TASI" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="DFMGI" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="ADSMI" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="KWSEIDX" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="MSM30" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="BHSEASI" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="DOW" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="NASDAQ" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="FTSE" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="DAX" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="CAC" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="DSM" Type ="Index" Last="" />



  • What did you try so far?

    Please show us your current query and where you get stuck.

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  • The problem that i don't know from where to start, i need to have table to store the data

  • Start with MSDN XML chapter http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb522446.aspx. Specifically, you need xml namespace processing http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177400.aspx

    For example

    declare @x XML =

    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <rts:RateMessage xmlns:rts="http://www.reuters.com/Rate" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.reuters.com/Rate.xsd ">

    <FXRates Timestamp="20141203164900" Type="Cash">

    <Rate Name="USD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.75" Sell="3.79" />

    <Rate Name="EUR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="4.60" Sell="4.64" />

    <Rate Name="GBP.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="5.87" Sell="5.91" />

    <Rate Name="CHF.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.83" Sell="3.87" />

    <Rate Name="AED.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.00" Sell="1.04" />

    <Rate Name="KWD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="12.84" Sell="12.88" />

    <Rate Name="QAR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.01" Sell="1.05" />

    <Rate Name="BHD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="9.93" Sell="9.97" />

    <Rate Name="EGP.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.50" Sell="0.54" />

    <Rate Name="TRY.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.66" Sell="1.70" />


    <FXRates Timestamp="20141203164900" Type="Transfer">

    <Rate Name="USD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.76" Sell="3.78" />

    <Rate Name="EUR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="4.61" Sell="4.63" />

    <Rate Name="CAD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.29" Sell="3.31" />

    <Rate Name="NZD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="2.91" Sell="2.93" />

    <Rate Name="HKD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.47" Sell="0.49" />

    <Rate Name="GBP.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="5.88" Sell="5.90" />

    <Rate Name="CHF.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.84" Sell="3.86" />

    <Rate Name="AUD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="3.15" Sell="3.17" />

    <Rate Name="JPY.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.029" Sell="0.031" />

    <Rate Name="ZAR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.32" Sell="0.34" />

    <Rate Name="AED.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.01" Sell="1.03" />

    <Rate Name="QAR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.02" Sell="1.04" />

    <Rate Name="OMR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="9.74" Sell="9.76" />

    <Rate Name="MAD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.41" Sell="0.43" />

    <Rate Name="INR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.059" Sell="0.062" />

    <Rate Name="KWD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="12.85" Sell="12.87" />

    <Rate Name="BHD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="9.94" Sell="9.96" />

    <Rate Name="EGP.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.51" Sell="0.53" />

    <Rate Name="JOD.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="5.31" Sell="5.33" />

    <Rate Name="PKR.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="0.029" Sell="0.040" />

    <Rate Name="TRY.SAR" Type ="FXRate" Buy="1.67" Sell="1.69" />


    <OtherRates Timestamp="20141203164900">

    <Rate Name="XAU.USD" Type ="Metal" Last="1.66" />

    <Rate Name="XAG.USD" Type ="Metal" Last="1.66" />

    <Rate Name="WTI" Type="Brent" Last="1.45" />

    <Rate Name="SAR" Type ="IR" Last="1.0100" />

    <Rate Name="USD" Type ="IR" Last="1.0200" />

    <Rate Name="EUR" Type ="IR" Last="1.0255" />

    <Rate Name="GBP" Type ="IR" Last="1.0400" />

    <Rate Name="TASI" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="DFMGI" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="ADSMI" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="KWSEIDX" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="MSM30" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="BHSEASI" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="DOW" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="NASDAQ" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="FTSE" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="DAX" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="CAC" Type ="Index" Last="" />

    <Rate Name="DSM" Type ="Index" Last="" />


    </rts:RateMessage> ';

    with xmlnamespaces ('http://www.reuters.com/Rate' as rts)

    select n1.a.value('fn:local-name(.)','varchar(20)') as rateType

    ,n1.a.value ('.[1]/@Timestamp','varchar(20)') as rateTimestamp

    from @x.nodes('rts:RateMessage/*') n1(a);

    'fn:local-name(.)' and other stuff are W3C XPath, XQuery expressions. They aren't documented well at MS site, see http://www.w3schools.com or some other tutorials.

  • How can i read XML from path , then table retrive as below :

    rate Type - rate Timestamp - Type - rate Name - rate type - Buy - sell

  • Having a table of parent nodes, n1(a), you can continue getting child nodes applying the same nodes() xml function to parent nodes. E.g.

    with xmlnamespaces ('http://www.reuters.com/Rate' as rts)

    select n1.a.value('fn:local-name(.)','varchar(20)') as rateType

    ,n1.a.value ('./@Timestamp','varchar(20)') as rateTimestamp

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Name','varchar(20)') as rName

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Type','varchar(20)') as rType

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Buy','float') as rBuy

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Sell','float') as rSell

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Last','float') as rLast

    from @x.nodes('rts:RateMessage/*') n1(a)

    cross apply n1.a.nodes('Rate') n2(a) ;

  • amazing, two things and will not ask again " Sorry "

    1- How read XML from local drive

    2- Timestamp is datetime how to format it into two column one for date and other time

    Thanks anyway

  • 🙂 OK.

    declare @x xml;


    with xmlnamespaces ('http://www.reuters.com/Rate' as rts)

    select n1.a.value('fn:local-name(.)','varchar(20)') as rateType

    ,cast(left(n1.a.value ('./@Timestamp','varchar(20)'),8) as date )as rateDate

    ,cast(stuff(stuff(right(n1.a.value ('./@Timestamp','varchar(20)'),6),5,0,':'),3,0,':') as time(0)) as rateTime

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Name','varchar(20)') as rName

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Type','varchar(20)') as rType

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Buy','float') as rBuy

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Sell','float') as rSell

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Last','float') as rLast

    from @x.nodes('rts:RateMessage/*') n1(a)

    cross apply n1.a.nodes('Rate') n2(a) ;

    Prerequisites. Sql server account must have access to the file.

    File must have ANSI encoding.

    Good luck.

  • Thank you very much

  • This the final script , i need the paths to be selected from table for example :

    declare @path = (Select Description from Lookup where code ='XML Path';

    then i need to replace with any pathes in the below :

    -- First Enable XP_cmdshell

    EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1



    EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1




    -- Second check if the file exists

    declare @iFileExists INT;

    EXEC master..xp_fileexist 'D:\Work\Appspace\Currency\currency.xml',

    @iFileExists OUTPUT

    -- Check if the file available

    if (select @iFileExists) = 1


    declare @x xml;

    -- Delete all data from existing table and then insert from new file

    Delete From Currency_Rates

    set @x = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'D:\Work\Appspace\Currency\currency.xml', SINGLE_CLOB) AS x);

    with xmlnamespaces ('http://www.reuters.com/Rate' as rts)

    -- Insert into the table

    Insert Into Currency_Rates (Rate_Type ,Date,Time,From_Currency,To_Currency,Type,Buy,Sell,Other)


    select n1.a.value('fn:local-name(.)','varchar(20)') as rateType

    ,cast(left(n1.a.value ('./@Timestamp','varchar(20)'),8) as date )as rateDatestamp

    ,cast(stuff(stuff(right(n1.a.value ('./@Timestamp','varchar(20)'),6),5,0,':'),3,0,':') as time(0)) as rateTimestamp

    ,(select SUBSTRING(n2.a.value ('./@Name','varchar(20)'),0,CHARINDEX('.',n2.a.value ('./@Name','varchar(20)'),0)))as CurrencyFrom

    ,(select substring(n2.a.value ('./@Name','varchar(20)'),charindex('.',n2.a.value ('./@Name','varchar(20)'))+1 ,250)) as CurrencyTo

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Type','varchar(20)') as rType

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Buy','float') as rBuy

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Sell','float') as rSell

    ,n2.a.value ('./@Last','float') as rLast

    from @x.nodes('rts:RateMessage/*') n1(a)

    cross apply n1.a.nodes('Rate') n2(a)


    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'Del D:\Work\Appspace\Currency\currency.xml'




    Update Currency_Rates

    Set Buy = 0

    ,Sell = 0

    ,Other = 0


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