• I have a query which is using cursor to load data from one database to another.

    When I execute this query in XP runs fine BUT when I run this query in 2000 it insert the same data. for example

    in XP

    id name source_ id

    1 aaa    11

    2 bbb    12


    IN 2000

    id  name  source_id

    1  aaa     11

    2  bbb     11

    Does XP and 2000 use any kinds of setting related to Cursur

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Can you post the query you're using, or a reasonable facsimile? It's difficult to come up with suggestions just based on the results as listed.

    David W. Clary
    Data Miner 49er
    Sr. Database Administrator, Ceiva Logic

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