
  • In my server, the SQLServer service and AgentService are started with different user accounts. Outlook is installed on the server.

    While Agentservice sends mail, my xp_sendmail is not working. Any idea ?

  • Can you use the same account for both services?

  • Thats what I want to do. It is really hard to get a window to do it in my production.

    I did in one of my test servers, and it works. Why does it need to be with the same account? Do I need to create a profile in outlook for it?

  • yes. you need to login as the service account and install a mapi client on the server.

  • There are often problems with the MAPI profiles, even when they have been set up correctly. You must log on to the server with the accout that is being used to run SQL Server and the Server Agent, create MAPI profiles and then send a test message to make sure. They do not have to use the same accounts, but it will make your life easier.

    I get the best results when using Outlook 2000 SR1.

  • I fined that using smtp is just as good

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