XQuery - using nodes & values - select the attribute vaules

  • I have the table which has the two fields

    CREATE TABLE AgentQueue ( customerId VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, QueueXML XML NOT NULL )

    Queue XMl has the format like

    I am using SQL server 2005.I need the output in below mentioed format using Xquery with in SQL server stored Procedure.

    Number Name Date

    1 Srikar12 20090113T1705

    2 nikil123 20090113T1705

    3 supa123 20090113T1705

    Please let me know if any one knows.

  • The following might help you:

    DECLARE @AgentQueue TABLE ( customerId VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, QueueXML XML NOT NULL )

    INSERT INTO @AgentQueue

    SELECT '1', '



    t.c.value ('@Number[1]','varchar(50)') AS Number,

    t.c.value ('@Name[1]','varchar(50)') AS Name,

    t.c.value ('@Date[1]','varchar(50)') AS Date

    FROM @AgentQueue agent


    QueueXML.nodes('/TransactionResp/Queue/QueueList/Item') as t(c)

    /*Result set

    Number Name Date

    1 Srikar12 20090113T1705

    2 nikil123 20090113T1705

    3 supa123 20090113T1705


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  • Thx.

    Will It work in SQL server. Bcos i am getting the exception as "Cannot find either column "t" or the user-defined function or aggregate "t.c.value", or the name is ambiguous."

    Please help me.

  • thx. thx.. Its working fine.. 🙂

  • Hi

    Can any one give me the proper approach for this... in case any attribute missing in the xml node means, how the xquery will handle read the xml node.


    <child id="1" name="name1" cat="Bus" ItemId="001"/>

    <child id="2" name="name2" cat="Car" ItemId="002"/>

    <child id="3" name="name3" cat="Train" />

    <child id="4" name="name4" cat="Air" ItemId="005"/>

    <child id="5" name="name5" cat="Bike" ItemId="022"/>


    I want to read xml node by node based on ItemId, in this case itemId is missing in the 3rd node.

    When I used xquery to read this xml, it's working upto 2nd child node, after that its reading the 4th node'd itemId, then giving problem....

    Please any one help me to solve this problem...

  • hi,

    can you please tell me how it worked.because im also getting the same error.'

    Cannot find either column "T" or the user-defined function or aggregate "T.C.value", or the name is ambiguous.'

    I dont know what is wrong .can you please help me very urgent

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