Your Favorite IDE

  • Personally I mainly use Visual Studio for c# and sometimes typescript, with SSDT projects for database schema work.

    For queries LinqPad is my main tool. I find writing them in linq to be much quicker and far less error-prone (accidentally duplicating rows in the result set or incorrectly joining tables is much harder).

    Due to resource constraints on my machine, SSMS only gets opened when dealing with SSIS or looking at exectution plans for performance tuning.

  • No love for DataGrip?

    I've been using it for a long time - actually, my previous org were a very early adoptor of it (they had been using Jetbrains tools such as Resharper for a long time).  They have come along in leaps and bounds since those very early releases.

    Other tools?

    • PyCharm for Python (no, I am not a Jetbrains fanboi)
    • Visual Studio for anything Microsofty, but mainly for SSIS (with the BIMLExpress plugin)
    • SSMS
    • Visual Studio Code for just about everything else.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  hoffy. Reason: Added some more info
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by  hoffy.
  • SSMS + RedGate SQL Toolbelt.  We use VisualSVN as a backend for RedGate SQL Source Control.  Add in some free tools like RedGate SQL Search and SentryOne Plan Explorer, why would I want to use anything else?

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