your spare time?

  • sturner (6/10/2011)

    Reloading ammo is always relaxing.

    Is that the relaxing part or the shooting up pictures of annoying bosses?

  • I have 2.5 kids (one's in college), so that's eaten up a lot of my time with Scouts and other kid activities. Add to that the ranch I live on has regular maintenance of fences, mowing, etc. and life gets busy.

    However I do make free time, and try a variety of things. I love to read, and usually go through 70+ books a year now that I read electronically. I run[/url], practice karate though with my son dropping out and getting my black belt this summer, that may slow down a lot. The kids have started getting into tennis, so we're playing a couple times a week there.

    For myself, I try to snowboard 20+ days a year, lots of them solo where I can enjoy cruising down the mountain with the iPod playing in my helmet. In the summers I play in the 40yr old league for baseball on Sundays, which is a nice break.

  • My spare time is usually devoured by my fishing addiction. I find it's a good way to de-stress. I also enjoy a good cigar and a glass of rum.

    Video games used to be a weakness of mine. I started out on the Atari 2600 and proceeded throught the Colecovision consoles. When games came out on PC's, I started by playing Doom, Duke Nukem, and one other I can't remember. I stopped playing one day and never started it again. I recently loaded Doom on an old Pentium 90 and started playing that again.

  • calvo (6/13/2011)

    GSquared (6/10/2011)For example, in WoW, a priest is pretty much a healer, with very, very little DPS.

    When was the last time you played WoW? All classes now have a super deeps role (since WotLK).

    I canceled my account about a month ago and have been kinda looking for a replacement time waster. I have a friend who plays Dragon Age 2 and says it's cool. But it's not compatible with a Mac 🙁

    To contribute to the topic.

    Time with family, just had a baby, and studying for 70-432 when I can.

    March was the last time I played WoW.

    I dare you to compare any WoW priest spect to a Prot Pally or DK, for DPS. Every instance I ran, DPS meter had Blood DKs and Prot Pally's at the top of the list. Not unusual for one of those to be ~60% of the group's damage, with rogues, hunters and such making up the majority of the rest, and "DPS priests" being second-to-last in the group/raid, with only the dedicated healers behind them (and those often at or near 0, appropriately).

    (And, yes, it only makes sense to Blizzard that two tank classes can routinely VASTLY out-DPS the DPS classes. I've never seen another game do that.)

    EVE and City of Heroes/Villains both have Mac clients. Not sure about Rift.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (6/13/2011)

    sturner (6/10/2011)

    Reloading ammo is always relaxing.

    Is that the relaxing part or the shooting up pictures of annoying bosses?

    HaHa ... one of the nice things about shooting at targets is that you are free to envision anything you want over the downrange target area. The reloading part is good for taking your mind off of frustrating trivialities because it requires precision and consistency... attributes usually lacking in software environments.

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • I repair/tune up bicycles, garden, read, cook, and spend time with my family.


  • im curious steve - what karate style?

  • i recently threw some of my free time at a local non-profit; they've been around for twelve years, but still didn't have a web site.

    That was one of those undefined objectives...they knew they wanted a site, but didn't have any idea what they wanted.

    I usually get some well defined objectives, and this was weird for me. No definition on a style, no content provided, nothing.

    I ended up putting a best guess/what I like site out there, filled in with what i could harvest about them from Google.

    I wanted to at least have something for them to look at to at least provoke some thought...but even that didn't get their mental gears changed, they couldn't tell me what they liked or didn't like...nor what they wanted/didn't want; they were just happy to have a web site.

    Eventually they promised to get me some digital content, like their mission statement, to put out there...but they are not the most technical of persons, and they are all volunteers, so I cannot expect the same expertise I expect from the people I usually deal with...spoiled , I guess I am.


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  • Kempo, but lots of Filipino/BJJ influence. Not thrilled with the BJJ stuff. I get that close and I like to use my elbows 😛

  • Mostly playing video games....:doze:

    Quickly Recover Windows Password,Make Life Better!

  • Spare time - don't have any spare time.

    That is I don't have any after work, taxi driving my daughters around, karate, gardening,cycling and watching TV 😛

    -------------------------------Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden [/url]Smart way to ask a question
    There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand (the world). There is no such thing as a dumb question. ― Carl Sagan
    I would never join a club that would allow me as a member - Groucho Marx

  • It depends what counts as spare time. When I'm not working (that's now most of the time) I play with SQL Server, read a lot (in Gaidhlig, English, Spanish, French plus occassional tidbits of Italian, Latin, German and Old Irish, learn Spanish (and Galego and OI, but don't spend enough time on them to be useful), walk, spend time with family, sing, attend reunions with former colleagues (much technical talk, mainly about current stuff not much about old times), play computer games, listen to music (classical, especially Opera, and folk (Sottish (English and Gaidhlig), Irish (English and Gaeilge), Spanish, some English and US and Canadian) mainly, but some pop - I'm a Francoise Hardy addict - and some unclassifiable stuff (Brassens, Piaff).


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