Yukon - T-SQL changes

  • I was reading about the T-SQL changes that are going to be in Yukon. The main thing that sticked out to me was the addition of arrays! YAY! An easy way to avoid cursors 😀

    Anyone know of some other significant changes?

  • Please be careful posting or answering questions on Yukon. It's in very limited beta and definitely covered by NDA. You can still discuss things seen at conferences or on MS, but please opt for discretion.



  • I don't have a copy of it, if that's what you mean. I would just like to hear some great things about this new version.

  • I wonder if they will be giving out beta's at PASS?

    Signature is NULL

  • Not sure where your info is coming from but this is the best reference for what we have said in public.



  • quote:

    Not sure where your info is coming from but this is the best reference for what we have said in public.



    I wasn't aware that things were so 'hush hush'. We are expecting to receive the beta any day here at work. I just wanted to know what T-SQL changes I could look forward to.

  • Any Microsoft betas are carried out in this manner if for no other reason than to manage expectations. For instance, let's say Microsoft adds what seems like a cool new feature to a product and the beta testers give it a go but find some tough issues with it. It's not vital to the product but it would have been a nice addition and the decision is made not to include it in the final. If betas were completely open, Microsoft would catch flak (more than they already do) for not including that feature. So the best way to handle this is to put an NDA on it.

    I ran into this issue as a former shareware programmer working for myself back in the 80s when I wrote BBS doors. My father and I carefully hand-picked our beta sites from those requesting to be selected based on technical expertise, diligence in testing, and their setup. We kept what I was adding to the programs I was writing known only to the beta testers and their users. There wasn't anything about the "new features" on our site until we were sure we had the bugs worked out.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

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