Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Variable Declaration

    This works in Sql 2008 and above but fails in SQL 2005.

  • RE: Schema Change on Table with Transactional Replication

    Instead of dropping and adding subscriptions, we may also alter the SP_MSins_<ArticleName> sp, in the subscribers by adding a condition at the start of SP, to check if the record...

  • RE: Index Structures

    the question is abot types of index structures but not about the types of indexes.

  • RE: keyword between

    select * from mytable where rownum >=10 and rownum <= 20

    The above query is fine only when rownum is a column in your table or...

  • RE: Primary Keys

    hi sameer,

    nice question.... you r question it self has the answwer..

    The actual question asked is

    A Primary Key is always enforced by a clustered index at creation?

    which is not always...

  • RE: sql dba

    Hi Nandini,

    this is an internamtional forum and most of the members doesn't know about our great USA (United Streets of Ameerpet) :-). But for sure it will...

  • RE: UPDATE() and triggers

    Okay..thank you...:-D

  • RE: DML Triggers

    We have three types of dml triggers,

    AFTER Triggers, INSTEAD OF Triggers & CLR Triggers

  • RE: UPDATE() and triggers

    i am refferning to the below question posted,

    What is the output of the following code (disregarding "X row(s) affected"):

    CREATE TABLE TriggerTest (Value int)


    INSERT INTO TriggerTest VALUES (1)


    CREATE TRIGGER tr_TriggerTest ...

  • RE: Invalid Substring error msg

    The above error occurs when ever you pass a negative value to the substring function.


    select substring('asdf',1,-1)

    Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

    Invalid length parameter passed to the...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)