Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Barriers to Entry, Database Weekly (Oct 27 2008)

    This is certainly an interesting idea, but is there a danger that the scoring system might unfairly mark down contributions that are hampered more by language difficulties than quality of...

  • RE: The Cost of Support

    I'm about ready to unsubscribe from your newsletter due to all the whining (especially about SP3). I subscribed to read interesting things about SQL Server, not hear you stump...

  • RE: Get one line from sp_helptext

    Hmm, well I guess I should have known that you could drop more than one item at a time.  That would have saved me some work.

    You know, I was wondering...

  • RE: Get one line from sp_helptext

    Whoa, thanks for all the help.  I've been working with Mohammed Uddin's code, which seems to be fitting the bill.  I'm just having a little trouble writing the looping code...

  • RE: Get one line from sp_helptext

    Actually I was just using a SELECT Text FROM #temp WHERE Text = 'my text'

    Is the performance hit from the temp table not as bad as I'm fearing?

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)