Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 316 through 324 (of 324 total)

  • RE: Anti-Virus program on SQL Server Machine !

    thanks Antares686 and bkelley for your great ideas.

    I set norton Antivirus Corporate Edition NOT to scan the MDF, NDF, LDF , TRN and BAK files,

    and not to scan important...

  • RE: How to Diagnose and Fix Wait Locks

    I will say something .. which I don't know if it will help u or not

    I think here is the solution of the waitstats Problem (if it is locks...

  • RE: Converting a SQL7 db to a SQL2000 db

    i think also there is another way:

    1- deAttach DB on SQL 7

    2- copy 2 files (.mdf and .ldf) to the SQL 2000 machine

    2- attach DB ... by right click on...

  • RE: HY0000 & S1000 Errors in ODBC after SP 3 Install


    install "Client network utility" on all client machines ...

    and enable "Named Pipes" and "TCP/IP"

    and see ...

    if not work .. change user account passwords(or sa passwords)on SQL...

  • RE: Slow on query

    what Antares686 says is true ..

    those reports that based on queries that has (with (nolock)) will not show commited data that happened now .. so it may produce (invalid data)




  • RE: Slow on query

    here is the solution as i think:

    when you want a report which based on complicated queries joined from several tables. These tables are updated frequently. then you lock these tables...

  • RE: Slow on query

    try these solutions :

    1- statistics

    right click on your database file and choose "properties" and in the options tab, make Auto update statistics and Auto update statistics on.

    2- Indexes

    try to...

  • RE: SQL 2000 SP3 install Failed.

    you must close all connection, when you install SQL Server 2000 SP3

    I also close all SQL services on (SQL Server Service Manager) ..

    and write sa passord if you...

  • RE: SQL 2000 SP3 install Failed.

    you must close all connection, when you install SQL Server 2000 SP3

    I also close all SQL services on (SQL Server Service Manager) ..

    and write sa passord if you...

Viewing 9 posts - 316 through 324 (of 324 total)