Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 226 total)

  • RE: Just had an interview for a DBA in CT


    Let give frankivey a break. He may be frustrated with the interview and human being do not react properly when they are frustrated.


    Just a friendly advice (feel free to...

  • RE: Disable TDE

    No TORN page error either. Same issue with new database also. Did you try using the command I post.

  • RE: Disable TDE

    Steve Jones - Editor (3/12/2009)

    How large is the db? might take time to undo encryption.

    I confirmed the status and it is not even working on a new database.

  • RE: Disable TDE

    Can someone run the following commands and confirm if this is working for them.

    You will need two server or instances and I am assuming server already have Master Key

    USE master;



  • RE: Disable TDE

    Same issue. Even restart of instances do not work. Did anyone try this?

  • RE: Filestream

    Database mirroring will not work if FileStream is enabled. So in short choose between mirroring and FIleStream. I will personally go for mirroring.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

  • RE: Which exeutable file running behind the database?

    What is the purpose of the interview? It is very easy for anyone to ask difficult questions.

    For me, if someone know the day to day stuff and know how...

  • RE: Row Level Versioning

    Good Article but you need a followup article to cover the issue raised in discussion. As how this is different from nolock and other isolation level. A real time example...

  • RE: How Do I strip the decimal out of a price

    tschuler (3/5/2009)

    Thank you. I changed the line to convert only to an int and *100 like below.

    left(CONVERT(int,total_price*100)+' ', 6)

    the 21.80 converted to 2180. ...

  • RE: Get calling Procedure name in Trigger


    If you have only couple of procedure updating a table and you are using SQL 2005 or 2008. You can look into output clause instead of trigger and use @@ProcId...

  • RE: Like that SSRS 2008 doesn't need IIS

    It will depend as what is your cost for upgrading. Cost is just not what you will be paying to microsoft but also the time it will take for DEV,...

  • RE: Tools

    Any way to implement a pull instead of push?

  • RE: Converting Minutes to HH:MM:SS

    There may be other ways.

    DECLARE @a int

    SET @a=-111

    SELECT CASE @a WHEN ABS(@A) THEN RIGHT('00' + CAST(@A/60 AS varchar(2)),2) + ':' + RIGHT('00' +...

  • RE: Converting Minutes to HH:MM:SS

    DECLARE @a int

    SET @a=125

    SELECT RIGHT('00' + CAST(@A/60 AS varchar(2)),2) + ':' + RIGHT('00' + CAST(@A - (@A/60) * 60 AS varchar(2)),2) + ':00'

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 226 total)