Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 34 total)

  • RE: Using "KILL" in a stored procedure.

    Hi Somebody told me that you cannot calla stored procedure inside another. Is this true ?

    If I wont be able to call KILL command from a stored procedure, can I...

  • RE: Hoiw many computers do you use at home?

    Just one PC in my Office 🙁

    But yes, I know one friend of mine who is using many PC's in a day.

    He is a PC dealer 🙂

  • RE: what is S-Lock?

    You can search in BOL for "NOLOCK". I would advice you to start using BOL. You will find answers for most of your queries there.... & it should be the...

  • RE: Problem With Changing Permissions.

    Thanks. It worked 🙂

  • RE: How to SUM

    Wont this solve the problem ?

    SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN id BETWEEN '17' AND '29' THEN '1' END) AS '17-29',

    COUNT(CASE WHEN id BETWEEN '30' AND '39' THEN '1' END) AS...

  • RE: Lets Clarify Operator Precedence!

    Thanks for correcting me.

    But wont it happen the way I said if the table is not having any indexes ? I tried it on my machine a couple of...

  • RE: A bit stuck... xpert help needed! Joins and unions etc...

    Ok.. Since your reply was delayed, I went through your statements a couple of times.  From what I have understood, I have formulated the...

  • RE: A bit stuck... xpert help needed! Joins and unions etc...

    Hi Tim,

    I understand your requirement as follows.

    You wanted to delete all records having the "memberofgroup" field's value as 15.

    You wanted to update the END-DATe to the maximum END-DATE possessed by...

  • RE: OSQL.EXE Not Rocket Science, But...

    My suggestion is to print the comand into a file and call that file from the second OSQL.

    ie the following part should reside in a file (with proper values of...

  • RE: Lets Clarify Operator Precedence!

    The second option will work faster.

    It is first removing the records which doesn't have any date value.

    Only the remaining records will be processed for the "between" condition. Again, in oracle...

  • RE: Replace -- fails to "WRITE" changes to DB

    Use an update statement.

    update product

    set name = REPLACE(NAME, '2004', '2005')

    where  (NAME LIKE '%2004%')

    In your query,


    NAME), 4)

    would ultimately return you '2004' itself. So I have directly used '2004' in...

  • RE: Parallel BCP

    Hi Kenneth,

    Thanks for your reply. I will now check in that direction.

  • RE: script to find out last record inserted in the table

    Then things should be simple.

    (replace "table"  with the table name & "time stamp field" with the actual time stamp field name.

    select * from...

  • RE: Parallel BCP

    Hi Kenneth,

    For your better understanding of the problem, I will explain you the whole story

    Basically all this is needed for changing the collation...

  • RE: Parallel BCP

    HI Rudy,

    Thanks for your reply. I think I am trying the same thing what you had tried earlier. Basically I wanted to BCP-out a big table. This was taking quite...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 34 total)