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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)

  • RE: Error converting data type varchar to float.

    There is one more strange thing which I have observed today.

    I created another table which is a copy of the table_window_db table. Using the following SQL

    select  *

     into #table_window_db

    from table_window_db


  • RE: Can someone verify this for me?

    But Fallell, I find that the statement which is giving error is still commented in your SQL

    --SELECT * FROM #testcase WHERE MyDecimal <999999

    Do you mean to say that...

  • RE: Can someone verify this for me?

    Since I am already working on the misteries caused by isnumeric & convert functions, I tried the following SQL & it worked !!!!



    CREATE TABLE testcase


     MyDecimal DECIMAL(2, 0)...

  • RE: Error converting data type varchar to float.

    Hi vladan, peterhe,

    Both the SQL's didnt work out.

    I fired the following SQL's as per your advice.

    SELECT distinct ctrl.title ,ctrl.type, ,ctrl.win_id,win.ver_clarify,

    FROM table_control_db ctrl

    JOIN table_window_db win ON ctrl.control2window_db = win.objid AND isnumeric(win.ver_clarify)=1

    JOIN mtm_privclass1_control_db2 mtm...

  • RE: Error converting data type varchar to float.

    Hi Friends,

    Thanks a lot for all your help. I tried using view & copying values fullfilling isnumeric condition to a temporary table. But both tricks did not work.

    Finally I got...

  • RE: Error converting data type varchar to float.

    To confirm the above points, I fired the following queries.

    select distinct '*' + ver_clarify + '*'  from table_window_db where isnumeric(ver_clarify)=1













    Also I fired one more query to ensure that whether everything...

  • RE: Disgregating a table.

    Oops... Now I saw your earlier posting saying that you too solved the problem by using cursors....

    I was working on this program for abt...

  • RE: Disgregating a table.

    Hi Jonathan,

    I think I found out a solution....Though its a long cut.

    I couldnt find a way by which a simple SQL doing...

  • RE: Disgregating a table.

    I have one doubt... Does the rec_num value repeats ?

    In our example, we have three ASIGNATION for the same receipt number. Is it allowed in the...

  • RE: Disgregating a table.

    Ohhh I am sorry. I think I got your requirement only now...

    Let me think abt it... I will reply to you in a short while if I get some...

  • RE: Disgregating a table.

    I was wondering whether something like this would solve your problem.


    select * from


    select  rec_num,

            cod_con as cod_con_A,

            tot_con as tot_con_A,

            null    as cod_con_R,

            null    as tot_con_R

    from    #receipt

    where   cod_con...

  • RE: Error converting data type varchar to float.

    I am not sure whether thats the reason why the query is failing.

    I created aview with only numeric values.

    create view view_table_window_db

    as select * from table_window_db where isnumeric(ver_clarify)=1

    I replaced the table...

  • RE: Disgregating a table.

    One solution which comes to my mind is that you can put the whole query inside a parent query & use order by clause.

  • RE: Delete from Table syntax


    I am not sure why you are getting this error... But your delete statement will work even without aliasing. So I think you can fire your delete statement by removing...

  • RE: Using "KILL" in a stored procedure.

    Thanks Frank & Remi.

    Your suggestions helped me solve my problem.

    I am still wondering why

    exec ( 'kill ' + convert(varchar(10),@spid) ) is not working where as exec( @ExecSQ) works...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 34 total)