Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Understanding T-SQL Expression Short-Circuiting

    Update to anyone following this: this compile-time exception to normal T-SQL CASE short circuiting[/url] is now scheduled to be fixed in an upcoming SQL release, thanks to Gianluca for filing...

  • RE: TSQL Short Circuiting

    Update: that exception to normal T-SQL CASE short circuiting[/url] should be fixed in an upcoming SQL release, per the Connect bug. It's still the behavior in SQL2005-SQL2008R2 (and maybe...

  • RE: Understanding T-SQL Expression Short-Circuiting

    FWIW I think CASE's implementation actually does guarantee both order of execution and predictable short circuiting at execution time. That doesn't prevent this error, though, because in this case the...

  • RE: Understanding T-SQL Expression Short-Circuiting

    Agree it's an edge case & not representative of typical CASE behavior. I just updated my post to clarify that.

  • RE: Understanding T-SQL Expression Short-Circuiting

    This post seems to recommend CASE as a way to get deterministic short circuiting in T-SQL. Unfortunately, even CASE does not always provide deterministic order of evaluation with short circuiting....

  • RE: TSQL Short Circuiting

    Be ware that even CASE does not always provide deterministic order of evaluation with short circuiting. See[/url]. (It'll probably work for the example shown above, but be aware...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)